Making a copy of a pivot table


In case anyone wants to know, I’ve found a really easy way to copy a pivot table onto an existing sheet.

  1. Select the (source) pivot table, then “Properties…”
  2. Expand “Source and Destination” then in the destination box enter the new location.

It moves the pivot to the new location. Don’t panic!

  1. then simply press CTL-Z and it undoes the move (i.e. it moves the “source” pivot table back to it’s original location), but it leaves the new created pivot table where you placed it.

… and that’s it. Simple


But the original is now unlinked to the source, and cant be refreshed!

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… strange, it kept it’s link for me. This is properties of the original pivot.

if you modify the Source-data it cannot be refreshed?!

Well, all I can say is that for me it worked exactly as I outlined and I ended up with two independent pivots.

What version of LibreOffice calc are you on? I am on version, build 22621 on a Windows 11 machine.

It keeps the link for properties, but modifying source data and hitting Refresh on the original pivot table only refreshes the second copy. However, if on the first table the properties are opened again and confirmed with OK, hitting Refresh on any of the two pivot tables refreshes both.

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Hi erAck

hitting Refresh on any of the two pivot tables refreshes both

Sorry but that’s not the case. Each of the pivot tables are completely independent and refreshing either of them only refreshes that one, not the other.

The major issue here is that you store your data on separate sheets for different years. If you would store all data in one list, the problem would not occur.
Create a pivot with the dates, then group the date field by years. (example grouped by years and months)

Guys, there is no problem here and for reasons I won’t go into I don’t want to store my data in one sheet or list.

I discovered a solution to a difficulty (how to copy the structure of a pivot on a single spreadsheet) and I put it here to be helpful to anyone else trying to do the same thing.

That’s all there is to it.