Making flashcards


Does anyone know how to make flashcards with Libre?

For vocabulary? This would be a database task.

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Is it for printable flashcards ?

LibreOffice Impress could do the job if it’s only for computer access.

Example for Questions / Answers learning :

Odd number slides : Questions
Even number slides : Questions + Answers

Disadvantage :
You don’t benefit of all advantages of dedicated spaced repetition software like Anki or Mnemosyne (both open source).

OpenCards was a flashcard learning extension for OpenOffice and LibreOffice Impress.


Hey Nexodakis! Yes! I want to print flashcards. It is for a child, so I want it to be with physical

Hey Villeroy! I need it to be physical, so I want to be able to write on both sides of the paper and then print it

A database with 2 input forms and 2 reports.
Both forms can be used to edit and filter multi-line text. Text length is restricted to 1000 characters.
The textual search form can filter by search expressions on either card side ignoring empty search strings.
The numeric search form can restrict output by row numbers ignoring missing numbers. This one also limits the output to be printed. If you limit the output to rows from 1 to 20, only these cards will be printed.

One report prints the A sides, the other report prints the B sides ordered by row numbers, filtered by the numeric form (A6 format, 10pt font size).

EDIT: fixed page layout
flashcards.odb (41.8 KB)

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/ EDIT :
Method with LibreOffice calc and gLabels (open source software).

Create a calc document with a header row (example : Question number, Subject, Question, Answer). Complete each column with test data (only few rows). Save as CSV file format.

In gLabels select a paper size (examples : Generic A6-Full-Page). In menu Objects> Merge Properties, select the .CSV. Insert a text field the size you want with the [T] in the toolbar. Then Insert merge field. It will insert text like ${Question}. Insert other text fields if you want. Modify the font size and style to your needs. Create one gLabels file for questions and another one for answers. For multiple flashcards by page you can try mirror printing for your gLabels answers file (button printing).

Manual for gLabels
There are versions for Linux (AppImage) or with ‘apt install glabels’ (run with sudo before) and Windows.
Assets for download on GitHub releases


I’ve made a calc document for fun. I don’t know if you already have cards to print on and the size you prefer. I have cards a little smaller than the cards I’ve printed (questions/answers game) and they are OK for learning.

I’ve learned a lot. Thank you. If someone have remarks, I’ll be happy to heard them. Maybe File/New/Labels in LibreOffice menu with a database is better for this kind of task but I lack the knowledge.

Drawbacks of my method

  • With regular paper and a black font it’s possible to see trough the sheet. Maybe use gray for answers font or a different paper.
  • Paper cutting is necessary (although there are lines).
  • You have to print the front then the back. I could have done a sheet for duplex printing.
  • The flashcards are not exactly the same size. It can be improved.
  • There are only 16 flashcards for this test (2 pages). You can edit these flashcards (‘For editing’ sheet).
  • This is a test made for fun by a beginner, there might be other drawbacks. Not sure if it work for others.

Tested with LibreOffice Calc, locale fr-CA, UI en-US.

In the sheet Info you have all formulas explained the best I can and instructions. There are no macros. The ‘For editing’ sheet automatically generate the Questions and Answers flashcards.


  • Paper format = letter US (8.5 x 11 inches) the most common paper size.
  • Note : Preview before printing and backup your work if you use this test.

There is space for longer questions/answers on cards.


testFlashcards.ods (19.4 KB)

And if you would simply store textual data in a database instead of a sheet, the same data set could fill a spreadsheet layout, a serial letter layout, label cards or database reports.