May I get the coordinates of the current cell as a variable?

Yes I see the Problem, but why should we play with mullti-selections in this context?


def selectionchanges(event):
        target = event.Spreadsheet.getCellRangeByName("A1")
        target.String = event.AbsoluteName.split(':')[0]
    except AttributeError:
        target = event[0].Spreadsheet.getCellRangeByName("A1")
        target.String = event.AbsoluteName.split(';')[-1]

Since onSelectionChanged may be needed for a different purpose, I propose a probably satisfying solution based on a function called by a volatile formula.
It cannot act onSelectionChanged automatically, of course, but as with other volatile formulas, recalculation will take place if any “minimal editing action” like Del applied to a blank cell was taken, and AutoCalculate was on (or F9 was used).
See: ask310463CurrentFocusCellAddress.ods

[Edit 2021-05-31 about 20:10 GMT]
As announced in my last comment on the question I attach another .ods showing in what way I would try a solution:
Anybody using a version below LibO 6.2 can’t see the example working: REGEX() function missing.

Many thanks for answering. I’m testing your suggestion now. :+1:

Ok. It works as designed to. It’s an encouraging step forward for me.
Now I will try to obtain an automatic refresh.
Thanks for your help. :+1::pray: