Need a map to Java

Trying to setup Base but LibreOFfice can’t find Java. Have installed JDK 17, JDK 19 and JRE 8.

Finding the real Java is trivial

but no amount of Finder action reveals where the junk I need for Base is located.

And the wiki stuff on selecting a suitable JRE is less than helpful.

Shoudl say this is on a Mac mini running macOS 12.6 Monterey with LO,

In the LO preferences click “Advanced” and choose some Java.

Already tried that but LO does not accept any of the target Java installs.

You don’t say if you are using an Intel Mac or an Apple Silicon one. LibreOffice on Mac works well with development kit jdk 11 (but not with runtime jre); but this one is old and not available for Apple Silicon Mac.
With an Intel Mac you could download “jdk-” from
With an Apple Silicon Mac you could download JDK 19
In both cases you need to register for free with Oracle.

I’m using Apple Silicon.

The problem was resolved by installing LO 7.4.2. Then the two JREs were visible. But that means there is a bug here as a running instance of LO does not find these JREs unless they were installed beforehand. Utterly confusing for the user to receive a message that Java needs to be installed which they do immediately but cannot add them ti the environment.

You may file a request for enhancement at bugzilla to find things not actually being there. Could be an interesting topic.
Java on MacOS is a special case since several years. It was the only OS where you need to install a JDK, when all you need was JRE.
Due to licences the question what to install is not so easy. “Original” by Oracle, or use OpenJDK/Adoptium … My company uses Coretto since Oracle changed licenses but the choice should be yours, not made by LibreOffice or Apple.

Ask Apple as Finder is their playground.
Otherwise may I suggest to use more than one keyword in a typical search engine like “LibreOffice Base Java”. No island was in the top findings. In your case it may be wise to add also “MacOS” or a special release like “Monterey”…

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Which is true; but note commit c74133420f6f9b4bc6b414b9c91d54cf8eb3f5af, making Aarch64-based macOS capable to use JVM again (merged in master towards 7.5, and backported to 7.4.3).

Irrelevant to why LibreOffice does not find either a JDK or JRE.