New function FILTER

hi, I welcomed the FILTER function on LO, however I would like a clarification please because it seems to me to present an anomaly.

I start from a matrix where in the first column there are alphanumeric acronyms and in the two subsequent columns of numbers; I then execute the formula filtering on the first column and the result is this:

if there is more than one alphanumeric acronym, then it works correctly and reports the correct rows and in the remaining part of the matrix #N/A
if there is only one alphanumeric string, then it repeats the corresponding row for the entire filtered matrix
the behavior does not seem correct to me, am I perhaps doing something wrong? Thank you for your observations
In the attached file for tests in cell I2 there is a drop-down menu where you can choose the value of the string.

FILTER_prova.ods (17.1 KB)

Not specific for any new function!

This is standard behavior of array functions locking an output range if the actually needed range shrinks to a single cell. I also get it with user defined functions.
I don’t know if Excel does it the same way. Do you?
See attached example:
disask109826_SingleValueToLockedRange.ods (11.3 KB)

I have discussed the problem in 162581 – New Filter Function is bugged and cannot detect amount of outputs correctly based off inputs from a table. The current behavior conforms to section “Non-Scalar Evaluation” (section 3.3, part 4, ODF standard).

If you are interested in my twisted ideas you can check the attached example.
It contains an (already extended) set of functions that allow to use expressions with array-output without any locked ranges, and without preset limits to the size of the returned array.
nonSpillingUsageOf_SORTBYandFILTER.ods (35.0 KB)
The first working implementation was less than 60 lines of Basic code.
=== Edit ===
Forgot to mention hat the example needs V 24.8.0 or higher.
=== /Edit ===