Non-Text Items not being saved in Writer

I’m not sure whether its a bug or i’m doing something wrong. Lines drawn in a table (my resume was done in a table) dont show when i re-open the saved file. The table borders and spell-check changes (“ignore all”) are also not saved. I’ve tried saving in odt format as well as docx. I’ll upload the file - along with a screen pic of what i’m trying to save
Am using Version: (x64)
[oops: only allowed 1 upload]
Resume-2024 (t&d)_test_off_gdrive.odt (814.2 KB)

This is a bug. Another manifestation is, your file has “modified” status immediately when opened (and that modification is to the objects - lines in the document).


Note that, ideally, your table should be split to multiple rows, each row containing respective pieces in both columns. E.g., the first row should have A1 ending before “Skills”, and B1 ending before “1. # Manager , System Planning (Actg)”. That allows to avoid conceptually wrong manual vertical alignment of the related content in both columns using empty paragraphs. But it doesn’t make the current LO behavior “correct”.

All the lines are anchored to character. They are part of the Writer file but not visible.
You may select the lines (Navigator F5) and then replace them a little bit (they are positioned outside the page area) into the page - then anchor them as character. They are visible even after saving and reopening the file.
Probably you have to add some paragraphs in your table cells for a sufficient layout.
Nevertheless it seems to be buggy. - Godspeed

Your document is an awful mess of direct formatting, though you tried to design a few paragraph styles but without any use of character styles. Vertical spacing is done with empty paragraph making you vulnerable to any tiny change of"geometry" parameters like margins or paper size.

Your table has been manually tweaked in such a way it is no longer associated with the page print area: it extends erroneously into the margins. It also looks like you don’t master the table concept: your table has a single row. You should have split it into as many rows as parts in your resume (or twice as many: one row for the heading, one row for data). But is this really necessary?

Your document is made of two “areas”:

  • the main part where you could have described your career as a standard “flowing” document
  • a side annotation part (not synchronised with the main part) which can be implemented as a frame, i.e. a subdocument
    A frame does not extend beyond one page. Consequently, you must use 2 frames, one per page and decide where you split data. You can also link both frames so that they behave as a single frame spanning the pages and let Writer manage the page break.

@Grantler identified the cause of the invisibility of your lines: they are positioned outside the page. However, there is a flaw in your document design. Drawing objects, like your lines, are “external” to text and don’t interact nicely with it. Either you created them because of your ignorance of table possibilities regarding borders (and your faulty table design), or your inability to request underlining in paragraphs (which also have bottom borders in case you’re not satisfied with text underlining).

And, finally, also contributed to the mess, your document has been initially written with Word as can be seen by the numerous character and list styles caused by the conversion.

@mikekaganski opened a bug report for a real Writer misbehaviour but you should definitely amend your document and use Writer consistently by structuring it the same as the message you want to communicate to your readers.

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Ignore All is ephemeral, it only applies to the current session. Next time you open the document you can reconsider the ignored words.

First up: Thanks for the detailed response…everyone…Very helpful. A lot to chew on. I’ll do a bit more reading on libreoffice writer frames & tables and try again. (…also on how to see the formatting codes).

I’ve cleared direct formatting and attempted to re-draw (re-insert) the lines.
(See new uploads)

Only the new line below “Skills” remains.

I’ve tried anchoring to “character” …then “paragraph” (both of which should anchor them to the current paragraph - according to the help pages) - but when the document is saved and re-opened the new lines don’t show. (See screenshot uploaded)

They seem to be anchored to the 1st paragraph on each page.

Resume-2024 (t&d)_reformatted.odt (815.9 KB)

I’m stuck !

Don’t use drawing objects when you want something as simple as a bottom border. Drawing objects don’t coexist peacefully with text. Prefer “native” typographical properties over “text-external” artefacts.

You could do as well, perhaps even better with borders.

As an example, I added a bottom border to Heading 1 and to cvHeaders. Borders are drawn across the whole paragraph width and adjust automatically to the page and “context” geometry.

If you don’t want a full border, reduce paragraph width by playing with indents in the styles.

Resume-2024 (t&d)_ajl.odt (822.3 KB)

Hmmmm. Ok.
It wasn’t really meant to be a “sectioin border” (i’m actually copying a template of a resume i saw and liked).
However, the drawing objects really dont seem to play nice with the text. I’ll use the border and try to adjust the paragraph width to approximate what the drawing object would look like.