Number input, could be Kwh or Mwh

First post here. I want to make a Solar spreadsheet. Basically I want to input for each month my production number and my consumption number. I need to know if I am in the negative or positive for the last 12 running month total. This is not a calendar year, but the last 12 months from whatever month I check from.

Any ideas would be appreciated, but I am not opposed to looking at the spreadsheet and comparing the last 12 months manually.

The main reason for this post is a question. My solar portal shows in kilowatts AND megawatts depending on how much the value is. Under a megawatt it will show 632.5 KWH. Over a megawatt it will show 1.25 Mwh.

I assume I have to add some zeros and/or a decimal point for one or the other. I’m not good t this, can someone help show me how to input a KWH or MWH so these cells are on the same track to be added and subtracted?

The above question is important for me, but speculating, can you highlight all of the input cells and if the entry has a K after the number it is treated one way, or if the cell gets a number with a M after it, it is treated another way (like pad zeros for conversion). I don’t need anything complex, but I always like to learn. :smile:


The correct spelling of these SI units: kWh and MWh.

Can you upload a small, odf type sample file here?
Are these data imported from a simple .txt, .csv, .tsv file? Try to import the number and the unit into separated cell.

I made a small example myself.
There is also an older and more general demo “before REGEX” explaning the usage of SI-unit-prefixes (in the wrong position as number suffixes) probably better.
See attachments:
dfisask108519evaluateSI_UnitPrefixes.ods (25.2 KB)
aoo94262ordersOfMagnitudeAbbreviated_2.ods (24.1 KB)mostly from this forum thread.

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The sheet would look similar to the image below, but with grid lines. The Solar web portal does not export so I will have to enter the data manually.

You are right about the naming spelling. Either way, I need to choose one, kWh or MWh, and enter with just one of those formats. Which one should I use and what do I have to add to the other to make it the same format (zeros or whatever)?

If I want to check a year back from March, I could paste 2024 Jan to Mar on a blank part of the sheet, and paste Apr to Dec 2023 to it for a quick result.

I just need help choosing kWh or MWh and how to input the other.


The sample file has not contain any units.
If they not export these data in a downloadable file, then you must (and you can) “correct” the entered numbers at the entering: just multiple the MWh values by 1000, and type it in. Then all of the values will be in kWh unit.

It is a nonsense, that a technical company not use units in a data table, and they use mixed units in same table without showing the units…

Thanks Ziz,
I only have a few years to enter numbers for manually. I googled how to convert kWh to MWh and found the formula and calculator, so after a few examples, I got it down.

My previous reply shows the layout of my spreadsheet. On a blank area I copied the previous full year data, then overwrote with this years completed months data (in the proper month lines). That was able to give me the last 12 months +/-. Cut 'N Paste is my friend here.

My electric company banks excess solar production for 12 months and then those months more then 12 months old drop off. The purpose of this spreadsheet was to see if I had enough excess to also charge my electric car. It’s close, but so far it’s been covered! :grinning:

Case closed, thanks for your help!

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Please dont close threads, thanks.
The correct way is to mark the solution with a tick.