Number language conversion

Is it possible to convert numbers from Arabic to English and vice versa or both in one document
Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 36ccfdc35048b057fd9854c757a8b67ec53977b6
CPU threads: 2; OS: Windows 10.0 Build 19045; UI render: Skia/Raster; VCL: win
Locale: ar-SA (ar_SA); UI: ar-SA
Calc: threaded

Please explain the meaning

  • convert the notation like I “convert” 1.234,56 to 1,234.56 for US
  • translate numbers written as words like “eight” or “one thousand”
  • something else

For translation you got an answer by @JohnSUN , using an extension, as LibreOffice does not include translation directly. Note however there is a quite new integration of DeepL to mange sever-key, mentioned in the release notes for v7.5
But as you asked for numbers in a writer document there may be left the question how to find the items.

I want to use numeric numbers, not English and Arabic, written on the same document as I mentioned here

Do you mean using “European” digits versus “Arabic” ones like ٣?

Select the Writer table.
Switch menu:Table>Number Recognition = ON (shows a check mark)
Apply number formats and number format languages as needed.

Nitpick: the “European” digits are Arabic numerals and “Arabic” digits are Arabic-Indic numerals. Confusing, yeah…

Both, mixed, at the same time? Otherwise there’s Tools → Options → Language Settings → Complex Text Layout, General Options, Numerals. Note that for the Complex Text Layout tab page to appear you have to have Tools → Options → Language Settings → Languages, Default Languages for Documents, Complex text layout enabled.

نعم كما ذكرت اريد استخدامها مدموجة

هذا الاجراء مطبق بالفعل ولكن لا يمكنني الدمج بين الارقام الانجليزية والعربية في نفس المستند

تم هذا الاجراء ولكن دون تحقيق الهدف

[This procedure is already applied, but I cannot combine the English and Arabic numbers in the same document]

Have you set it to Context (not Eastern Arabic)? The English language parts will be 1234, the Arabic parts will be ١٢٣٤. Note that any recipient might need the same settings so best to share as pdf.
Arabic-IndicNumbers.pdf (46.1 KB)

Numbers-ar-en.odt (12.6 KB)

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Don’t you need format code [NatNum1]General?
Yes, then it is more stable and can be copied into general text as it is U+0661, etc

I don’t know [NatNum].

2 below your selected format.
Numbers-ar-enEA.odt (12.8 KB)

The more this question develops, the less I understand its purpose. Does the intended result look like this?

Inside a table, play with Table>Number Format:

  1. put the cursor in a cell or select several cells,
  2. Tools>Number Format,
  3. set the language for the cell(s), i.e. Arabic
    This unhides new formats specific to Arabic
  4. choose your desired “look” for the number

In document text, there is no number recognition because text is just a stream of characters without “arithmetic” semantics. Consequently, you can’t play with number format. All you can do is insert the proper glyph for “Arabic” (=Arabic-Indic, thanks @erAck but I used “European” intentionally to emphasise the difference of scripts). They are at U+0660 ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO to U+0669 ARABIC6INDIC DIGIT NINE. Procedure is rather tedious the first time but you can copy/paste when you have inserted them:

  1. type “U+0660” or simply “660” if there is no ambiguity (without quotes) for digit 0 (“٠”)
  2. press Alt+X

For list numbering, select the Number format from the drop-down menu in Customize tab (either the applied list style or Format>Bullets & Numbering.

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See Number Format Codes midway down,
Displaying Numbers Using Native Characters
NatNum modifiers

نعم ولكن لم ينجح ذلك مع ملاحظة ان النص او المتن كما تسمية السياق باللغة العربية وليس الانجليزية كما ان المحتوى الرقمي ليست داخل خلية في جدول

نعم ولكن مستندي لا يحتوي على جدول

انا كتبت الارقام مثال 123 ولم اكتبها حروف واحد اثنان ثلاثة فلا اعلم اذا كان البرنامج يستطيع التعرف على الارقام او الحروف او العكس

حسنا ما فهمته انه يمكنني ان ادخل اشكال الارقام الانجليزية وليس كتابتها كيف افعل ذلك داخل النص