For the paper I am writing I need to frequently have numbered lists with a second level using letters. Additionally there needs to be a second line beneath each “numbered” line, like so:
a. Item 1 (style: "Ex. Set")
Comment (style: "Ex. Set Trans")
b. Item 2
The Ex. Set Trans style is set up to have the Ex. Set style come after it. The problem I am having is that after the Ex. Set Trans style, LibreOffice forgets that it is in a sub list and starts the next line with (2), at the first level. So I always have to hit tab to make it go to the second level. This is not a big deal but it is annoying and I want to have a template based on this for colleagues to use, many of which are switching over from Word, and I want everything to work as smoothly as possible.
One thing I tried was making Ex. Set Trans use the same numbered list style as Ex. Set and then checking off “Include this paragraph in line numbering.” That fixes the problem of Ex. Set forgetting it’s indent level, however now it forgets about numbering (ie. putting the letters a., b., c., etc. in front). The Ex. Set Trans style has the attribute “don’t count lines” and I got the attribute “Count lines” on the Ex. Set style… Actually now that I test again, it is putting numbering on all the lines. Weird.
Is there a way to make it so that when hitting Enter on a Ex. Set. Trans line and starting a new Ex. Set line it will remember the right indentation level AND numbering? (And have Ex. Set Trans not display numbering.)