Opening forms withouth saving data in libreoffice base

I would like to use a series of forms to input data. The outline I would like to use is that the form is supposed to be a series of linked screens. Thus, on screen 1 I will add things like name and DOB; on screen 2, address and telephone and so forth. I can open a new screen with the macro:

	const sNewDocumentName="historyForm"
End Sub

This works but, upon opening the second screen (historyFORM), the data are saved. So, in the end, I have two records instead of one, each with half the fields.
Is there a way to

  • open the second screen without saving the data
  • close screen 1 when opening screen 2
    Thank you

What will you do with the unsaved data in form1? Should it be used ind form2?

Seems what you want to do is something like a dialog with step1, step2 ā€¦

probably the name is a dialog ā€“ I forgot to mention: the data should be saved all together when closing screen 2 so to have a single record with all the information.

Dialogs need much coding in Basic. So many people try to get the same behavior in only one form. If the form expands too much for you, you could switch between different ā€œstepsā€ by setting form controls visible and other controls invisible.

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Ok, so how does it work? Besides I understood Base works with Javaā€¦

No, butā€¦

Base does not need Java. For example I connect to a sqlite-Database through odbc-driver without java.

But the default embedded database hsql is written in Java. So if you use this database you need java. (I guess one of the ideas behind switching to firebase was getting rid of java).

If you connect to a database through jdbc-driver instead of odbc you will need java

The report-engine of base needs java. So, if you want to use it you needā€¦

There are also Extensions, written in java, so you need java to run themā€¦

the data should remain in memmory and saved at the end, on the last screenā€¦

You can make the logical form read-only. Open the form for editing and disallow modification, insertion and deletion in the data properties.

You may want to look into using the Access2Base library included with LibreOffice. There are some interesting examples on the Tutorial page of the support site. See the tutorial for: Simulate Tabbed. This example has the appearance of two forms, when actually using sections of one form.

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Thank you!

On second thought, I think this approach is too complicated. Instead of filling a large form with several screens, I think BASE is more oriented towards having smaller dedicated forms. The different tables are then linked via a foreign key.
The problem is: how do automatically assign a key to a table that is then automatically assigned to the linked tables? If I have an ā€˜Update cascadeā€™ and ā€˜delete cascadeā€™ relationship, would that work? and which one should be the parent? I now have a 1:n from the ā€˜mainā€™ (the parent) table and the ā€˜subā€™ table (child).

I would recommend a series of YouTube videos on LibreOffice Base by TheFrugalComputerGuy. Even though the videos are a bit dated, and there are a lot of them, they are relevant because Base has changed very little over the years. I learn something new every time I watch them.

There are a couple of ā€œJunction Tableā€ videos (63 and 64) that may help you set up a form for many-to-many relations. A simple move of a refresh button in the navigator (video 64) is all it takes to keep the ā€œsave changesā€ pop-up from appearing.

There are examples of using list boxes in table controls to show sql linked fields in the columns, etc. I know itā€™s not a quick solution, but you may find a way to address your problem. I have learned a lot of things that Base can do if you can invest the time to learn how to use its (sometimes less than obvious) interface.


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Thanks, I also learned base from the frugal computer guy but it was a decade ago (!!). Iā€™ll watch them again. The video number will help me.

Most Videos donā€™t teach conceptual knowledge. In the context of a forum a single document with dummy data tells more than 1000 words. A document attached (no screenshots) makes it easy to see conceptual problems and develop drafts for working solutions.

I am attaching a working example. I have a parent and child table. The parent_ID field should get the same value in both tables automatically (more than many to many as in videos 63/64 should be 1:1). I linked the table but I canā€™t save the dataā€¦
WE2.odb (24.2 KB)

70427.odb (30.7 KB)

Info in README form.

Thank you! so PERSONS is linked to ADDRESSES via ID and to phones via PID. ID is a primary key but PID is not, but ID is in autovalue only on PERSONS. there is no cascade among the tables. In my version, I donā€™t get any linkage. the only table updated is the child and it does not get ID from the parentā€¦
WE.odb (12.2 KB)

Because the only table on that form is the ā€œchildā€ table and there is no link to any other table. I find the analogy by names of ā€œchildā€ and ā€œparentā€ table a little bit confusing.
In my database one form document uses the persons as parent form and the other tables as children on a subform whereas the child-parent relation is reverted in my second form where the phones are on the parent form, persons on the subform, optional addresses on a sub-subform.
Are you aware of the form navigator? It is the single most important tool for form design. The screenshot shows the form navigator of my persons formā€¦
ā€œFormsā€ is just an abstract container, the root element of all forms. ā€œMainFormā€ and ā€œSubFormā€ were created by the form wizard. I added the Phones_Form later.
Bildschirmfoto von 2021-11-18 12-03-59
Any form having a parent form (here ā€œSubFormā€ and ā€œPhone_Formā€) have two lists of linked fields which determine the relation to the parent.
ā€œMainFormā€ is linked to PERSONS and ā€œSubFormā€ to ADDRESSES and the subform is linked through their common ID fields analogue to the one-to-one relation between the two tables (see SubFormā€™s data properties)ā€¦ Each person may have one or zero related postal address.
ā€œPhones_Formā€ is linked to ā€œMainFormā€ by its foreign key ā€œPIDā€ (person ID) analog to the one-to-many relation between tables PERSONS and PHONES. Each person may have many phones, therefore I display the phones in a pattern control bundled within a table control.
The concept of forms and subforms can be a lot more complex than just mirroring the table relations. However, mirroring table relations in order to make multiple tables editable at the same time is the ain purpose of this construct.
There are many example databases and tutorials in the tutorial section on I got the most positive feedback for this one: [Example] Relations reflected by list boxes in forms
P.S. and this one: [Tutorial] Forms in Base (View topic) ā€¢ Apache OpenOffice Community Forum

alright, I am lost here. I understand subforms, but the original idea was to avoid having a subform and work instead with independent screens/forms. The ā€˜parentā€™ table is called parent because it generates the key that is inherited by child when passing from one form (filing the fields of patent) to another (filling the fields of child) and then to another (filling the fields of child 2) etc. Essentially, the ID fields of the children tables is just equal to the ID field of the parent. But looks to me it is not an easy task to generate such link. perhaps it is better to revert to the original idea: a single large table filled by screens not forms (that is ā€˜formsā€™ that do not require closing tables and saving data immediately, but simply displaying input icons sequentially until a final push button is reached). Thanks anyway for the links, Iā€™ll read them

Avoiding the most important feature makes no sense at all. Go with the flow if you want to get things done.