Opening Libre office documents

I can not open Libre Office or any documents. All I get is a box telling me that either another instance of Libre Office is accessing your personal settings or your personal settings are locked.

C:\fakepath\PXL_20210310_185954384_2 ( 2).jpg.

What can I do to fix this issue? I have uploaded an image of the box mentioned above?

[Edit to show image]

Hello @guybryan, Can you share your operating system and LibreOffice version? To do that, choose menu Help - About LibreOffice, copy from there, press edit below your question and paste.

It looks like you are using Windows. You should always give LO version and Operating system version.

In your Windows Defender (or other antivirus) you might need to make soffice.bin an allowed app under Controlled Folder access (or anti-ransomware setting in other AV).

Thank you but I don’t have the .lock file.
My restoring hard windows back to recommend restore point worked.
Thank you all for trying to assist. It’s appreciated!


Method 1

  • Close LibreOffice

  • Open Windows File Explorer

  • Assure File Explorer shows hidden files (View -> Button: Options -> Change folder settings -> Tab: View -> Option: [o] Show hidden files, folders and drives
    image description

  • Enter %appdata%\LibreOffice\4 into address bar and type ENTER

  • Search for file .lock

  • Delete that file

Method 2

  • Close LibreOffice
  • Windows key + R
  • Enter cmd into Open: field and click button OK
  • Enter command del "%appdata%\LibreOffice\4\.lock" and type ENTER key

Hope that helps.

I believe I did that already though my screen in windows looked different. I will double check after a restore to 2 days prior to yesterday finishes. Really need LO back.
Thank you.
I’m open to any other suggestions. Willing to try anything as I really don’t want to use Microsoft Office products.