Page breaks not recognised in LO


I have the attached docx. When opened in LibreOffice 5.4 it appears as 3 pages. However in the latest release, the page breaks are being ignored. Is this an issue with this release ?

And what happens if you save as .odt?

How are your page breaks inserted? Manually or through a paragraph style?

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I’ve opened your attached file using OpenOffice 4.1.7, LibreOffice and None of these shows more than 1 page.

I am not interested in saving as ODT. The page break was inserted via a third party library to manipulate docx files

I can open in writer in versions and (Windows 7 Pro) and it shows 3 pages. Only doesn’t

Please file a bug report against the authors of that library, that tries to insert breaks in wrong places…

            <w:pStyle w:val="Normal"/>
            <w:bidi w:val="0"/>
            <w:jc w:val="left"/>
            <w:r>                     <!-- Look at this! -->
                <w:br w:type="page"/> <!-- Look at this! -->
            </w:r>                    <!-- Look at this! -->


And if LibreOffice have ever inserted page breaks at those places, we should have filed a bug against LO to stop doing that.

But luckily (just tested with and on Win10), we have never done that :slight_smile:

Thanks for the analysis. It does look like an issue with LO. The third party library replaces a named token with a paragraph that has the a style with the setting “page break after”.

A bug report with details has been filed at:

As per the bug report, it is this style that is not working in the later version of LibreOffice.

This is not an issue with LibreOffice. That third-party library generates invalid OOXML, because the w:r element with w:br child must not appear under w:pPr element - see ECMA-376-1:2016 section pPr (Paragraph Properties).

But tdf#128889 you filed is a valid one, though different from what is asked here.

EDIT: I now understand what you mean. So thank you for filing the bug against the software that generates the wrong markup, which turned out to be - LibreOffice :smiley: