For many months I’ve been importing my checking account records from my bank online. The last few months, however, it doesn’t work. I just installed LO 6.4.7 moments ago with hopes that my importing problem had been solved.
This was my technique: copy the records and paste them into my text editor (TextPad), which removes all formatting. Next, macro to place semicolon ( between the fields. Three records look like follows:
11/30/2020;CHASE CREDIT CRD/AUTOPAY;-41.40;23,359.61
11/27/2020;CHECK 1251;-25.00;23,347.18
Next, copy those records and paste into Calc using Ctrl-V (Paste special never worked). However, nothing happens lately.
My workaround is to save those TextPad records to a text file (“Junk Bank Import.txt”, then File / Open in Calc.
Calc intelligently recognizes the semicolon as field delimiter and the records smoothly appear.
However, it would be better if I didn’t have to use the workaround.