Please answer Aaron Franke's Question: Digital Signatures in LO6


Can someone please answer question we’re at least 3 with the same question (voiced, so how many silent ones?).

Aaron Frank’s question about Seahorse personal certificates not appearing when certificate manager is started in LO6.

Much appreciate any help.

Best Regards,


If nobody answers the question, then it is most likely that nobody has an answer to the question. It does not help to ask for an answer, if nobody is here having one. And to clarify: This is not some official support from The Document Foundation (and the developers of LibreOffice) but users of LibreOffice trying to answer questions of other users of LibreOffice.

There’s probably nobody on this board who has an answer. Most people who come here, are users like you. File a bug report. That will alert the developers.

Are you sure that the list only shows the signatures of other people who digitally signed a document, and not the signature of the user who is editing the document (and should know that (s)he signed it?

Hi Opaque, Hi floris v,

Ok then I’ll file a bug report. The problem seems to be present for a couple of years then. I thought people were too busy to answer, and that more people used digital signatures.

Floris V : I can’t reply, both the original question from Aaron Franke and my self came across the problem for new documents. Documents aren’t always approved, in my experience, but often issued fo use, so only the original author would sign such document. So in this scenario, and as well described by Aaron, there’s absolutely nothing described. We create self-signed personal certificates with Seahorse, outside of LO 6, or calling on Seahorse from within LO 6, and the certificates created do not list, and so cannot be used.

So I’ll file a bug report but if you have any other ideas as to where I could find information please let me know.

Thank you both for your time.

Best Regards,
