Problem converting some columns with formulas with Excel data to Calc

Hi, this was an Excel data file that calculated municipal electricity usage. I am converting it to a Calc file and I admit that I am NO calc expert whilst my Excel skills I would say is advanced.

The main problem I would say is in the Prices tab in column W I tried everything to get that converted to format MMMM YYYY My feeling is that if I can succeed in fixing that then I will be able to move forward.

Anyone out there willing to help. PLEASE

Municipal Elektrisiteit V2.ods (329.2 KB)

Welcome @Bones !
No, problem not in W column, it’s in B column.
Try to press Ctrl+F8 and see color of values:

Please see How to convert number text to numeric data

Thanks, I’m learning. Change column B to date format. It display correct no. If I press Ctrl+F8 though it does not change to be consistent with the values before that.

Yes, cells B112:B118 look like dates, but the black font indicates that Calc considers these cells to be text.

Used Insert - Date and then corrected the date to what it should be and it seem to solve a lot of problems. Still busy though. Thanks thus far.