I am new to Libre Office and am trying to create a table from an ODS spreadsheet, following directions in how to convert a ods spreadsheet to and odb table and have been unsuccessful.
The spreadsheet is about 36,000 rows and looks like this:
owner branch testid matchid name admin people starred hint matchurl
Larry Sam Gray 6AE091D1-5B75-4D41 D3567149-25BD-4225-A585 anderson 186626 0 0 http://www.ancestry.com/dna/tests/6AE091D1-5B75-4D41/match/D3567149-25BD-4225
Cherie Sam Gray 40883664-FCC0-42DB D3567149-25BD-4225 anderson 186486 0 0 http://www.ancestry.com/dna/tests/40883664-FCC0-42DB/match/D3567149-25BD-4225
Ivan William Gray 972DB2BA-0F75-4F4ABEA088FD-DD82-4F17 wanderlust 170278 0 0 http://www.ancestry.com/dna/tests/972DB2BA-0F75-4F4A/match/BEA088FD-DD82-4F17
[The testid, branchid and matchurl are actually longer but same pattern.]
I get this error:
Value too long in statement [INSERT INTO “Gray Ancestry matches” ( “ID”,“owner”,“branch”,“testid”,“matchid”,“name”,“admin”,“people”,“starred”,“hint”,“matchurl”) VALUES ( ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)]
Continue anyway?
If I say Yes, the program completes and when I open the table, I get:
Error code: 40
S1000 General error java.lang.NullPointerException in statement [SELECT * FROM “Gray Ancestry matches”]
I’ve tried variations on the opening dialogue from taking all defaults on the columns to adjusting numbers to using the Auto for 36,000 rows and have gotten 63 rows, but then can’t append data.