Protected reference fields can't be editted or removed

Hi all,

I have a weirdly annoying issue with the attached document - there are citations throughout the text from EndNote which are protected fields. But I do not have field protection enabled in compatibility & the fields do not have field names. They are recognized as fields and have shading, but otherwise, I am unable to see any details about what they are linking to or edit them.

Any thoughts?

Libreoffice 7.4 on Ubuntu 18.

Thanks a bunch <3

Part 1 Outline for Presentation.docx (43.1 KB)

Compatibility problem?

Please report the behavior also as an error in Bugzilla .

See also:

How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice .

Please post the link to the bug here.
format: tdf#nnnnnn (use only the number, not the link)
To do this, edit your original question. Thank you very much.

Your document is DOCX and everything has been done manually (direct format). You could as well have used a mechanical typewriter.

It probably originate from a Word session with some plugins for bibliography.
When I look at the ODF XML (which might not be the same as the original because of conversion from DOCX to ODF), I see that your bibliographic citation are created by an unhandled add-on tool. By unhandled, I mean Writer does not understand the structure and contents of the “field”. “Field” between quotes because View>Field Names simply hides them! This field is dubbed “ADDIN EN.CITE”.

Your question can have no answer here:

  • this site is dedicated to LO (Writer component in your case)
  • it is expected that a minimum of formatting methodology is followed by questionner (instead of absolute full direct formatting, below the average level met with common Word users)
  • we have no expertise about third-party add-ons, all the more when this add-on is unknown

You should ask your question either on an MS Word site or discover the name of the add-on and its site.


The file has been converted between doxc and odt to try and solve this problem but I was still unable to edit them.

If the fields are ADDIN EN.CITE, how might I edit them from LibreOffice? Meaning is there a way to reverse the “mechanical typewriter” as you put it? Or would it be possible to simply remove them completely?

This problem was definitely created with compatibility issues so not a bug for LO; but LO is my only option for editing, any advice?


ADDIN EN.CITE is only the type of the fields. They have a text value (what is under the gray shading). Since Writer doesn’t recognise the XML tags, it simply ignores them, effectively transforming what should be managed by the add-on into ordinary text. But, due to the XML field extent tag, the value ends up protected.

I am not aware of any simple means to remove protection. A work around is to double-click on a field to select it and copy. You can then paste the value anywhere and edit it.

This will be a lot of work. You must design your own collection of paragraph styles, character styles and list styles. Apparently you have no fancy page style, so you can go with Default Page Style. The biggest task is to analyse the text to see the various semantic categories of paragraphs (each category ends up into one paragraph style). For the main discourse, use built-in Text Body. For numbered headings which open a new topic, use Heading 1 and other Heading n if you have subdivisions.

Most of the outline seems to be made of a multi-level list (at least 3 levels). These could be covered by a single paragraph style associated with a single list style (a misnomer because it only describes bullet/numbering properties and level indentation). You change level by typing a Tab at beginning of the list item to change for a deeper level. The reverse is Shift+Tab.

Once you have your paragraph styles, apply the ad hoc one to a paragraph then remove the existing direct formatting with Ctrl+M (may need to select whole paragraph in case there is also character direct formatting). Special emphasis on words should be handled with character styles like Emphasis (italics) or Strong Emphasis (bold).

The remaining issue is the bibliography. Either you consider your document as frozen and you can make do with present ordinary text extracted from the fields, or your document will be later updated. In the latter case, you should rebuild the bibliography with the built-in tool.

Note that this restyling will only be guaranteed to be stable and reliable only if you save .odt.

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I found 8 pages worth of bibliography references at the end of the document, numbered through. There’s bound to be a connection.

I agree with @ajlittoz - you should ask for help on an MS Office forum. Not because we don’t want to help, but because we lack the expertise.

I have worked with WordPerfect 5.0 many years ago. I can’t find words to express my relief when I could switch to MS Word, which had styles! Instead of having to direct format each heading in a manuscript, and remembering how you formatted it, you could assign a heading style, and Word would make sure that that all headings of the same hierarchical level in a document would have the same formatting. Bliss. I can’t imagine why people see that as such a bad thing that they want to do without it. It’s an incredible time saver.

I accidentally posted this as an Answer instead of a comment. Sorry about that.

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