Replace every number in a document with its *2 product

I meant: how to solve this formatting task without macros…
I will try the [NatNum12] in my macro.

Wait a second! You wrote above:

… and I checked the user-defined properties, as defined in File|Properties:


… and inserted as fields, but without any formatting:

Are you saying that you work with other data, that you called “user defined properties”, and which may be easily formatted?

I need a currency value in a document with numeric appeare, and a textual appeare.
100 HUF (Száz Ft)
Is it possible to achieve with one Field with two instances and with different formatting?

(Sorry for the “off-topic” question, but maybe it is useful for the OP too.)

Money.odt (11.2 KB)
This is the updated file, that should work fine :slight_smile: