Saving formats in Draw

I’m trying to work out how to save some of my work as a JPEG because I want to import it to Paint Shop Pro…( that has the tools required for special effects and general tidying up) is this even possible ? as when I change the file extension manually it simply isn’t having it and wont recognise the odg extension. Sorry if it’s a dumb question but having more extension options in Draw would be really useful. (and effects tools as then I wouldn’t need PSP)

File | Export and choose your preferred format from the dropdown list of available formats.

Well, this is akin to putting a Ferrari badge on your Trabant and wondering why it won’t go any faster. Changing the label doesn’t change the contents.

yeah, I did look at that but jpeg didn’t seem to be an option…

disask119072drawingToJpeg.odg (63.2 KB)


Many aspects of a drawing are lost when it is “flattened” to a pixel map, so jpeg is not considered a save format in Draw but rather an export format. You may have missed that distinction from @robleyd’s answer.

Menu item File - Export will offer jpeg format as an option.

Rather than exporting to jpeg, I suggest you export as svg. Paint Shop Pro supports this vector format, which probably maintains the image quality from Draw better than if you use the jpeg export. Try both and see which one gives you an acceptable workflow and image quality.


thanks, I’ll certainly have a look at that.