SAXException: [word/document.xml line 2]: Opening and ending tag mismatch: hyperlink line 0 and p

Dear robleyd,

I’ve the same problem as @Sergiosooto. Please help me.

This is my file :
OdOC.docx (72.3 KB)

OdOC_fixed.docx (72.4 KB)

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Hi Everyone

I hope someone can help me.

I’ve the same problem as @Sergiosooto. Please help me.
If I proceed trying to import the data I lose most of my work

please help me

Don’t use old versions. New versions are released because bugs get fixed. tdf#149996 was fixed in 7.5.3.


i’m so grateful. thank you

Hi! I’m a same problem, i readed the posts but don’t understand how solution. Help me please?
(11.06.2023) Dissertação Andressa Roana.docx (67.9 KB)

(11.06.2023) Dissertação Andressa Roana.docx (67.1 KB)

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Oh thank you SO MUCH @mikekaganski !!! <3
Long live the free software community!

Hi! I get this message too. The original document is a docx that is uploaded to dropbox to work in a shared folder. I’ve been working like that without problems but since the last time I modified the document, I get this error and we can’t open it in any computer or program. It is a very heavy doc (34 MB). Could you help me? This is the message: An error occurred during opening the file. This may be caused by incorrect file contents.
The error details are:
SAXException: [word/document.xml line 2]: Opening and ending tag mismatch: sdtContent line 0 and del
Proceeding with import may cause data loss or corruption, and application may become unstable or crash.

Only if you provided the document.

Here is a link to the document (it is very heavy so I do not know how else I can send it):

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Cambiar el final del archivo de .docx a .zip

abierto en un descomprimido

Busque el archivo document.xml y comments.xml en la carpeta de Word

El texto está en este archivo.

abrir en el editor de texto

Tomará trabajo, pero puede recuperarse.

Atención: Trabaje con .odt, al final si es necesario guarde una copia como docx.

Change the ending of the file from .docx to .zip

open in an unzipped

Locate the document.xml and comments.xml file in the word folder

The text is in this file.

open in text editor

It will take work, but you can recover.

Attention: Work with .odt , at the end if necessary save a copy as docx.

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Please can anyone help me with my docx please ? I have the same problem…

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Oh Thanks ! Can you give me acces to the file please ?

Please try now.

Oh My god… thanks… it feels so good to have back the document.
Thanks a lot for your help!!!
Best ffrom Argentina

[edit: also SAXException: [word/document.xml line 2]: Opening and ending tag mismatch: p line 2 and hyperlink , let’s not further hijack this topic here.]