Scrolling is slow on Win 11 Ryzen 7 Pro processor


Does anyone have a Ryzen Pro 7 processor?

I’m finding that scrolling is very, very slow. If it’s because I’m using a newer build, let me know and I will revert to a previous one.

I tried forcing Skia rendering and it doesn’t change anything. I trie using hardware acceleration only and that doesn’t change anything either.

I just got this new machine because the old one (circa 2018) was getting to slow. But I’m getting worse results now. :confused:

Any suggestions beyond what I tried would be greatly appreciated!



Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: db4def46b0453cc22e2d0305797cf981b68ef5ac
CPU threads: 16; OS: Windows 10.0 Build 22631; UI render: default; VCL: win
Locale: en-CA (en_CA); UI: en-US
Calc: CL threaded

Edition Windows 11 Home
Version 23H2
Installed on ‎2024-‎03-‎13
OS build 22631.3296
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22687.1000.0

Well, I don’t see how to edit the original post anymore. Maybe it’s too old.

At any rate, going back to the previous version doesn’t seem to work either. Opening any type of document, whether in safe mode or not, whether with hardware acceleration or not, or whether with Skia or not, is extremely slow. Any document, even a single page document, takes at lead 30 seconds to open.

Then I tested on a Virtual Box setting running Linux Mint and documents opened almost instantly. I checked and the version was I installed the same version and lo’ and behold, it works just as fast. For now, anyway. I’ll test it out for a few days to see.

But right now, I see a vast difference between the performance of 7.3 and 7.6+. The settings seem similar. If there’s a way to install both side by side, I can try that. I wonder if the use of Dark mode has something to do with it.

In your original post the version information shows that you have turned off Skia entirely.

Most people with Ryzen processors get good results by going to Tools > Options > LibreOffice > View and ticking both Use Skia for all rendering AND Force Skia software rendering.

Could this be anti-virus checking the file? Or maybe checking the program, you could try adding C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\soffice.bin to the Allowed list in the anti virus.

I will try, but if that’s the case, wouldn’t it happen only at the start o f the program? Not when it’s opening a file. Plus, wouldn’t the previous version show the same problem?

I will also try to install a new version in my Linux virtual machine to see if it does the same thing.

Well, after a few weeks, testing various configurations of Skia/not skia/hardware accel/not hardware accel/safe mode, even 7.6 is very sluggish. If I have a document with two or more pages, scrolling and typing are very slow.

This is a decent machine. It’s not a beast by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s (supposed to be) better than the machine I had before.

There seems to be something in Windows 11 that causes the problem. I saw another thread explaining that the problem was only on new installs of Windows 11 (which is my situation) not Win 10 updates, and that it was fixed in the 7.3 series. And indeed, I went back to 7.3 and it works great, with anti aliasing, hardware acceleration, Skia, etc.

There seems to have been a serious regression for new Win 11 installations (not updates from Win 10 to WIn 11) sometime after that.

Ideally, I would install every version of LO to see at which point version the problem began, but I just don’t have that kind of time.

Anyway, if someone ever finds the root of the problem and has a fix for it that makes newer versions work as well as the 7.3 series, I’m all ears… err… eyes… err… fingers!


Maybe your user profile was corrupted. Testing by opening a file from safe mode would have been a good way to check.

Other possibility might have been from the installation. Reinstalling the same version of LibreOffice can sometimes help, possibly anti virus interfered last time.

See also General Installation Issues (Windows) - The Document Foundation Wiki

I did test by opening files in safe mode and I had the same problem.

Also, when I installed LO on the new machine, I created a new profile using the 24.X version.

I don’t think it’s my fault, IMO. This thread touches on it:

The OP’s experience is the same as mine.

In it, the person says that it ended up being fixed in 7.3.X. And, indeed, as I mentioned in my post back in May, when I installed that version, it worked well. I have gone back to it and it works well.

One thought I had, that I did not investigate, is whether the introduction of Dark Mode could be the culprit. I realized when I installed 7.3 that it was all white. And when I looked at the release notes, I saw that Dark Mode was introduced in 7.4.

If I had the time, I would install all versions after leading up to the 7.4 release (including the betas and RCs) to see when the problem returned. But I don’t have that kind of time these days.


OP reported a bug and it was fixed for 7.2.6 so their problem is resolved.

You should report a bug, How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki

Added: 162199 – Slow typing with version 7.6+

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I ended up going back to the previous version ( and perfomance is now normal.



After update, please test with Menu/Help/Restart in Safe Mode.