Searching for multiple words in a cell or row

Hi, apologises in advance if this is the dumbest question imaginable, Ive looking for an answer, but cant find one. Im new to calc and I know this isnt what it is designed for. Ive been using it, at least in this case, as a basic inventory and it works great. Except…

Is there a way to search for multiple words in the same cell. For example if I have a cell containing the words “Big Red Ball” I can search for and find “Big Red” and “Red Ball”, but is there a way to search for Big and Ball?

Alternatively, if I have Big, Red and Ball in 3 seperate cells in the same row is there a way to search for that row using a combination of the 3 words?


qa109942.ods (20.4 KB)

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you can go with Find dialog and regular expressions :

Big.+Ball for a sequence,
Big.+Ball|Ball.+Big if order doesn’t matter.

Same with REGEX Function

you can concatenate them in a 4th column and apply the same.


Took me a while to figure out what was going on as its more complex than how I interact with calc, but I can see a few scenarios where this will come in really useful.

Could I ask how you got the cells with positive results to highlight?

And thanks fpy also.

Never heard of concatenate before but again very useful
My conditional formatting tests if the corresponding cell in F10:H12 evaluates to True or False.

It seems to me that this problem has already been solved in this topic - How to find a text *within* a cell in - #44 by JohnSUN