Separate First Name Last Name

I have read numerous posts about how to do this. I did not see any solutions that I understood. I have a column containing First Name Last Name (John Smith). I would like to separate these into two new columns, Last Name and First Name. Is there something like an UNCONCAT function? or please tell me how I can do this.
2024-2025QuestionnaireResults.ods (104.7 KB)
Thanks for any assistance.

there’s a more general/powerful one : REGEX Function

a bit cryptic at first :confused:
=REGEX(A2,"(.+?) .*","$1")

2024-2025QuestionnaireResults.ods (116.5 KB)

maybe this recent one may help … Re-order Last Name/First Name in a Calc cell

or also, to directly split over space : Text to Columns

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I didn’t understand the first or second solution, Text to Columns solved my problem.