SHORTCUT, please?

Please, I have 5 types of cooffe to be sold through many stores. Sell any 2 or more packages and delivery time about 30 days, then breakeven. In Excel, I have one formula:
=IF(IF(F287=G287,1,0)+IF(G287=H287,1,0)+IF(H287=F287,1,0)>=1,"", IF(AND(COUNTIF(F286:AP286,F287)>0,COUNTIF(F286:AP286,G287)>0,COUNTIF(F286:AP286,H287)>0),A287-A286&"-t", IF(AND(COUNTIF(F285:AP285,F287)>0,COUNTIF(F285:AP285,G287)>0,COUNTIF(F285:AP285,H287)>0),A287-A285&"-t", ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………,A287-A227&"-t,"")))…)))…))))))))))))))))& IF(IF(F287=G287,1,0)+IF(G287=H287,1,0)+IF(H287=F287,1,0)>=1,"", IF(IF(COUNTIF(F286:AP286,F287)>0,1,0)+IF(COUNTIF(F286:AP286,G287)>0,1,0)+IF(COUNTIF(F286:AP286,H287)>0,1,0)=2,A287-A286&"-v", IF(IF(COUNTIF(F285:AP285,F287)>0,1,0)+IF(COUNTIF(F285:AP285,G287)>0,1,0)+IF(COUNTIF(F285:AP285,H287)>0,1,0)=2,A287-A285&"-v", ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………,A287-A227&"-,“v”)))…)))…))))))))))))))))& IF(IF(F287<>G287,1,0)+IF(G287<>H287,1,0)+IF(H287<>F287,1,0)=2,"", IF(AND(COUNTIF(F286:AP286,F287)>0,COUNTIF(F286:AP286,G287)>0,COUNTIF(F286:AP286,H287)>0),A287-A286&"-n", IF(AND(COUNTIF(F285:AP285,F287)>0,COUNTIF(F285:AP285,G287)>0,COUNTIF(F285:AP285,H287)>0),A287-A285&"-n", ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………,A287-A227&"-,“n”)))…)))…))))))))))))))))

I want to shortcut that formula, or change with a shorter. Help me, please! Very thanks!

You actually expect contributors here to analyse that monster formula for you? Well there are many very friendly users here, but I doubt if one will go that far. Would you do so (if sufficiently experienced) for someone else?

Your final concern ist to get something related to: “… I have 5 types of coffee to be sold through many stores. Sell any 2 or more packages and delivery time about 30 days, then breakeven.”
That’s hardly understandable, but if you explicate you goals in detail, there may be a chance someone suggests a solution. If so, that solution will surely not resort to deeply nested calls to the IF() function or calculate something like COUNTIF(F285:AP285,F287)>0. three times in one formula.

By the way: How should the many points, even between closing parenteses, in the “formula” be interpreted? You cannot expect anybody to resolve that for you. LibreOffice is free software, not a promise to get free support to on every scale.
Also: The globally accepted parameter delimiter In LibO is the semicolon, not the comma. If your locale is one using the comma as its decimal separator, the formula cannot be accepted at all.

I read the question carefully but cannot make sense of it. Perhaps it would help to go through guidelines for asking and then edit the question.