Special Character Shortcuts

Does the latest LO allow “Special Character Shortcuts”?
Like this:
ALT+0230 = æ
ALT+0189 = ½


Prefer the normalised LO way: “U+<hex_encoding>” (without the quotes) followed by Ctrl+X.

U+E6Ctrl+X → æ
u+bdCtrl+X → ½
Note that case is indifferent.

ALT+&lt:decimal> is a Windows legacy dating back to W$ 3.11 or SP when character sets were limited to 256 characters. The decimal encoding has not changed since (for “compatibility reason”) and does not cover full Unicode. In addition the encoding, though the same for most common characters, diverges for many.

How do you keep the “U” from repeating?

I don’t understand the mechanics of this sample.

Once upon a time, Made in the USA meant some real QUALITY

Now it just means pre-planned Obsolescence / Product Failure

ie: JUNK!

Sometimes a good solution suggesting a useful alternative would provoke an idiotic comment like the above. That’s life.
I apologize for this - I misunderstood that the “” was an email signature, and not a content of the message; this was clarified below.

Check your question. It was answered by @mikekaganski If you dont like the answer, ask better.
If I try to guess your problem: Alt+digit has new meanings. If you don’t like this remove the keyboard shortcuts.
@ajlittoz has shown you a way to reach the same, with another tool. You can use this directly or change your config.
Obvious is: you are spamming the site with your email-signature. As often it is off-topic, as LibreOffice is not “Made in USA”
For further reading, details and bug-report continue here:

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Wow. Thanks for clarifying something that was not obvious at all.
@JIM7: if that part about “made in…” is just an email signature, then (1) I apologize, because I thought that these words were part of your message, and that they showed your cluelessness and aggression towards people who help you; and (2) you better not reply by email, or drop that dangerous signature from your replies.

Yes, it IS just an email signature … and a comment on how American ideals have deteriorated over the years. As an American myself, I feel qualified to object to said changes. It’s not meant as spam, nor is it intended to offend.

Thanks for your reply.


Press the keys Uthen+thenEthen6 then immediately after press Alt and X at the same time.

To see it from the other direction paste æ into a document.

  • Place the cursor immediately after it and press Alt and X at the same time to see the Unicode characters, in fact, U+00e6.
  • Press Alt and X again at the same time again and it will revert to it’s pasted form.

Sometimes, if it cannot be confused, you can skip the leading U+ and any zeroes, so e6 by itself then Alt+X works to give æ

Thanks a lot!

and not just the latest :wink:

FAQ very welcome

“not just the latest”! LOL
Thanks for the info!