Spelling checker Libreoffice Writer behaves in a strange way

I do not understand how the spelling checker works.
If, when using the English UK as language, I write a word like ‘choose’, it will of course be right.
When applying the spelling checker, it says the Text language is ‘None’.
Now I change ‘choose’ to ‘chooooooose’.
I would expect that red wriggling line to appear beneath the word. I doesn’t. When trying a spelling check, still no Text language is chosen.
I now change ‘chooooooose’ to ‘chooooooos e’ by inserting a space.
Immediately the wriggling line is displayed below ‘choooooos’ .
Also, when applying the spelling checker, the Text language is English UK and gives me the opportunity to correct the word.

Why is this so?

My version of LibreOffice is and my machine is a Macbook Air with OS Sonoma 14.2.1.
My save format is odt.
I configured LibreOffice User data with my first and last name.
The language settings is Default - English (UK)

Well, nobody can tell: you didn’t mention OS name, LO version (full 4-number release) nor save format. You didn’t tell how you usually configure Writer. We could have an idea if you provided a sample file.

To help us to help you, re-open your question (click , then the “pencil” tool and give missing details. A sample file will facilitate analysis. Otherwise, invite us in your home, offer a beer and show your computer and how you manipulate it.

I added some information in my first message. Can you explain how I can add a file to a message?
Some more information: I found out that giving a carriage return will suddenly activate the wriggling line and the spelling checker.

When the text language is “None”, no spell checking applies.
choose_en_UK.odt (10.1 KB)

The post editor has a top row showing tools. The seventh icon from left looks like an outbox with an uparrow. Click on it and a file chooser pops up.

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Hello Villeroy,

Thanks for the file.
I downloaded it.
Now the following things happen.

When I open it with LibreOffice, the word ‘chooooooose’ is marked with this red, wriggling line below it. In tools, the spelling checker tells me it uses the Text language ‘English (UK)’.

I correct the word by hand to ‘choose’.
The red, wriggling line disappears and (puzzling me) the Text language in the spelling checker changes to ‘None’.

I change ‘choose’ back again into ‘chooooooose’.
The Text language in the spelling checker changes back to English (UK) again, but (again puzzling me) there is no red wriggling line below the word ‘chooooooose’.

I press the Return button and the red wriggling line reappears below the word ‘chooooooose’. The Text language in the spelling checker remains English (UK).



This entire document, with all its paragraph styles and character styles, has the language attribute “English (UK)”.
LibreOffice supports multilingual documents. When the spell checker finds some error in a text snippet, it reports the error in the context of the text language. When the spell checker does not find any error, it does not show any language.
This is a bilingual document with a

  1. German paragraph written in English
  2. English paragraph written in English
  3. German paragraph written in German
  4. English paragraph written in German

2 and 3 pass the spell check. 1 and 4 report the spelling errors in the context of the text language.

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