Table in a Writer document doesn't grow to show all text

Hi all,

In the attached document, I am missing some text on the second page. Also for some reason the text doesn’t start from the top of the cell on the second page.

Can anyone help? I am using the latest LO (24.2.5) on Apple Silicon.

wonk.odt (95.6 KB)

Thank you

I think it is something in the table style that is amiss. It can be difficult to remove some attributes from table styles, especially if coming from another programme such as Word (I see paragraph styles that look like Word’s).
If I:

  1. Select the entire table and click Table > Convert > Table to text
  2. Select all but the last return and click Table > Convert > Text to table
  3. Re-apply the table style SCL2 table
  4. Merge the relevant cells

Then the peculiarity has gone.
wonk108310EA.odt (98.1 KB)

BTW, don’t use Default paragraph style in your document. It is there to make a global change to your styles. As you have the text in Calibri 10pt, I set Default Paragraph Style to that. I then set your Hamlet to a new paragraph style which I called Verse which has the additional attribute of 0.50 cm below paragraph.

There is something very weird in your table. The “group” starting with Though yet of Hamlet and ending in Lost by his father, with all bonds of law is a single paragraph. Since it reaches the bottom of the page, it is split by a “soft page break”. It is then expected to continue at top of cell in next page. However, a large gap appears. This gap is not controlled by any setting (I checked). It looks like Writer offset text (why?) and clipped it within cell limits. I suppose cell size is correctly computed according to text size. The spurious offset is responsible for clipping.

It is likely a bug. The challenge is to cause it repeatedly. What is the edit history of your document?

Note: I personnally don’t trust so-called “table styles” because they are not “regular” styles. They are at best kind of templates, at worst a set of macros which trigger on various events and destroy your own styles formatting (because they apply direct formatting).

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Problems seems to be related to merged cells needing more than one page with vertical alignment other than Top.

Bug report at tdf#162193

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