Table in writer jumps to next page when there is space left in current page

So I have the exact same problem as this user, but unlike him, his try to fix the problem didn’t work for me :frowning:

LibreOffice ver. 7.4.6 (Windows 10)

I have also tried all the table properties and aplied them to the whole table and no solution found.
When I press Enter, the table inmediatly jumps to the next page, leaving the title alone in the previous page with a lot of space below it:

I upload also the document, just in case it helps:
Table scapes from the title.odt (18.4 KB)

I think that it’s important to know that I initially copied the table from this other document (page 11), which I think was initially a .docx. I upload it in the comments.

Original document from which I copied the table to mine (page 11):

modelo-actualizado-de-pd-y-sa_3o-eso_lcl.odt (275.6 KB)

Your document has many empty paragraphs to create vertical spacing, some of them with added page breaks. As an example, the first page of your sample is made of empty Heading 1 paragraphs which pollute uselessly the TOC.
Your table are separated by an empty paragraph with a page break. Delete it and everything is fixed.
Everything is direct formatted. Learn to work with styles.
Note: the “standard” style for text is Text Body in the discourse and Table Contents in table cells.

There are several tables.
On test " SA N.º 5"
Right click on it, select table properties, deactivate page break, which forces beginning on the next page.

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Wow thanks!! I swear I thought I had tried that, but obviously it wasn’t the case. I must be really overwhelmed :person_facepalming: