Table of Contents links are not clickable on PDF export when i choose Table

I am writing my Thesis & i am showing some statistical tables in my Libreoffice Writer portable version. I have created a Table of Contents (TOC) for my chapters, images, tables and also source codes.

However, only chapters & images TOC links are clickable when i export my .ODT file to .PDF file. I still see all of my TOC getting created, but i cannot click tables & source codes TOC links on PDF export.

The exact procedure (for tables) that i am following is this:

  • Create the table
  • Focus on a cell
  • Insert > Caption > write my text in Caption & choose Category as Table
  • Right click on TOC for tables & click Update Index
  • I see my updated TOC, however no clickable links on PDF export.

Only the TOC can get hyperlinks, not the other kinds of TOCs. See for example:

Bug 37608 - Index of Tables cannot generate hyperlinks

thanx for the information, good to know :slight_smile:
I will follow the workaround in the bug tracker comments