The connection to the data source "DataBase Name" could not be established.

I input data in a number of records in one field only. Now when I try to open the database I get this message:

  1. The connection to the data source “Books - Master” could not be established.

  2. SQL Status: S1000

The URL ‘file:///Users/My user name/Databases/*’ is not valid. A connection can not be created.

I am using MacOS Cataline 10.15.4
LibreOffice Version:

Closed LibreOffice and restarted my computer. Same error appears.

Can anyone help as I input a lot of data in the table. Have I lost it all?

The database is embedded. HSQLDB Embedded.

Books - Master.odb.

Not sure this will work. Data was INTERGER. AutoValue = NO; Entry required = NO; Length = 10 (maximum number of digits is 3, i.e. 325). Working in a query so only the field I needed to update was showing with two other fields to identify the record.

LibreOffice crashes on a regular basis. Periodically I would close it and close LibreOffice. This happened on the last time I closed it and saved the records. No errors until I tried to open it again.

Maybe better to start over. I am sure I have lost the data. I was going to change the tables when I re-opened it anyway to have 2 tables instead of 1. Table 1 = Authors with ID Primary Key. Table 2 = Books, etc. and linked by ID Primary Key info from Table 1. I have the info in an Excel spreadsheet which I can use for Table 2, not sure about Table 1.
Thanks for the help. I am a former Access user, but thought it would be simple to use Base. Finding there are lots of differences and things that could be done easily in Access are sometimes not able to be done in Base or the SQL is slightly different. A real learning curve.Books - Master.odb


Would take a guess here that you are not using an embedded database. Could you please provide what database you are using?

The error would indicate something in the content.xml file (inside zipped .odb) referencing the location or name was changed through some means.

Do not recall seeing this error about URL not valid in an embedded DB. Can you post a copy of the file? If not, what type of data were you entering before the problem? Usually there is an error number associated with the problem. What is it?


The file did not post. When editing the question, from the toolbar in the upper left use the paperclip icon to add the sample.

May be able to save if not all then part. Cannot help without the file though.


It appears my initial comment was correct. Your statement:

The database is embedded. HSQLDB Embedded.

is incorrect. Based upon the attached file:

image description

The data is external to the Base file. Just to be certain, unzipped the .odb and verified.

You have created a Base file using a dBase external database. It would seem you have moved this file. It contains all of your data.

When found, either place back in original location or reconnect from Base menu Edit->Database->Properties and enter correct path (can browse to find).

That should correct the problem. Once done, consider moving to a relational database.