I think this will help as to what I’m doing.
The reference in this text:
Lower extremity peripheral artery disease (PAD) affects at least 8.5 million people [1] nationwide and more than 200 million worldwide. It is responsible for causing over over 143,000 hospitalizations and 40,000 amputations annually.
the [1] has to crosslink – or go to – with this text:
Shamoun, F, Sural N, Abela G. Peripheral artery disease; therapeutic advances. Expert Rev of Cardiovacs Ther. c2008 [cited 10 Jan 2014] Volume 6, [539-53] Available from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1586/14779072.6.4.539?scroll=top&needAccess=true
I’ve followed this information:
Then followed these steps:
To Insert a Target
Select the text that you want to use as a target for the cross-reference.
Choose Insert - Cross-reference.
In the Type list, select “Set Reference”.
Type a name for the target in the Name box. The selected text is displayed in the Value box.
Click Insert. The name of the target is added to the Selection list.
Leave the dialog open and proceed to the next section.
To Create a Cross-Reference to a Target
Position the cursor in the text where you want to insert a cross-reference.
Choose Insert - Cross-reference to open the dialog, if it is not open already.
In the Type list, select "Insert Reference".
In the Selection list, select the target that you want to cross-reference.
In the Insert reference to list, select the format for the cross-reference. The format specifies the type of information that is displayed as the cross-reference. For example, "Reference" inserts the target text, and "Page" inserts the page number where the target is located. For footnotes the footnote number is inserted.
Click Insert.
Click Close when finished.
I’m missing something big time…
When I follow these steps, I end up with the
Shamoun, F, Sural N, Abela G. Peripheral artery disease; therapeutic advances. Expert Rev of Cardiovacs Ther. c2008 [cited 10 Jan 2014] Volume 6, [539-53] Available from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1586/14779072.6.4.539?scroll=top&needAccess=true
in the [1] and clicking on all of that text moves the supposed [1] to the reference below
Shamoun, F, Sural N, Abela G. Peripheral artery disease; therapeutic advances. Expert Rev of Cardiovacs Ther. c2008 [cited 10 Jan 2014] Volume 6, [539-53] Available from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1586/14779072.6.4.539?scroll=top&needAccess=true