Using CALC to create list of DVDs - text formatting vs Print Preview

I am attempting to use CALC to creating a list of all my DVD/BDs. After a lot of work, I realized that I have to learn a more few things in order to use it now.

First, right now, it is about 460+ pages long and counting. When I go to print preview, it shows page 1. But I’m wanting to see page 388 (or such). So, is there a short cut to get there instead of continuously pushing the PgDn key?

Then there is the issue of formatting the text the way I want to display it vs what print preview shows (see attached “Home Screen”). At least that is how I was hoping it was formatted and would print.

Instead, when I finally hit the PgDn key enough and got to that page, it looked like I never finished formatting it (see attached “Print Preview”).

Therefore, I guess my question is, “how do I know when my text is properly formatted for what I wanted to print as”?

Well, this should have been done in LibreOffice Base. That said, minimally, you should use Calc to separate all of the data fields into different columns…like for Porcile, basically. You may be able to do much of this using copy and paste special or search for split columns in LibreOffice Calc.

Once you have a proper data sheet then you register it as a data source for a new LO Base. You don’t need to know any Base. Just follow the instructions here: Import csv into existing sheet/tab.

Now start Writer. This is how you will print or view. Press Ctrl+Shift+F4 to open up the data view. Drag down the bottom edge of the data view to see enough as needed. At the left double click on the sheet name indented under the database name for the database you created from your Calc sheet. You should see a portion of your movie data.

Now press Ctrl+F2. This should bring up the Fields dialog. Click on the Database tab. At the left click on Mail Merge Fields. Then at the right click on the + by the sheet name indented under the database you created. Double click on each of the fields you want to use in the order you want them.

Again at the left click on Next Record. There is no way to see that this worked unless you have the Navigator pane open, then it will show as a field in the Navigator list. But it will trigger a request for the next record (row) from your movie data.

Now close the Fields dialog. Add spaces, tabs, line-feeds, etc. and format the fields on the page. Once you have one record’s worth of fields formatted, you can copy it down to fill the page.

Next you will use File>Print. Click Yes to start a mail merge. Select All records and Save as File in a Single document.

Your report will general, formatted and browsable.

I have attached an example for each file involved. Notice, though, that you will have to register your data source on your computer before it will all work. You can just create a new Base database and use that as the mediator for the data, as that will register for you automatically if you keep that setting when creating the Base database.

SimpleDataReportOutput.odt (26.6 KB)
SimpleDataReportParadigm.odt (26.0 KB)
SimpleDataReportParadigm.ods (42.1 KB)
SimpleDataReportParadigm.odb (2.2 KB)

Thanks for the suggestions joshua4. This CALC file was a good easy idea when I started it a long time ago when my DVD/BD collection was small.

I just figured out how to install that JRE app which got rid of that warning in BASE.

Now, it is time to polish it up and get a proper DB going.

But I do have a question for you: Why does the BD have to be registered with LO?


that’s just the way it works as referred in the mentionned thread

no sure about navigation in the full print preview mode,
but you can rather go to the print dialog where you have a page preview, you can type 388 in the selection to view it.

you can also print to a pdf file and navigate in your favorite viewer.

messy indeed :confused:
maybe attach a few pages here, so that people can try to figure out …

as a general remark, large texts in cells over 400+ pages it not a so good idea. You may want to explore base+reports : Chapter 6 Reports

FPY I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I arbitrarily picked page 388 because there is no way to easily navigate in print preview. - That would be a good suggestion for the developers.

“print to a pdf file” — How? Saving to “PDF” is not an option. Also, it would not help with this problem of mine, the on screen view does not match the print version. - Again, another suggestion for the developers.

Finally, in order to use BASE, I need something called " 64-bit Java runtime environment (JRE)"…

in the print dialog, you can change your printer …

I arbitrarily picked page 14 :wink:


Thanks for showing that PDF printer suggestion FPY. Unfortunately, that preview window is way too small to be of any benefit.

It looks like I need to start learning BASE basics. Hopefully, I’m be able to “copy & paste” my data from CALC to the forms window once I get the hang of it.

But in the mean time, please suggest to the devs about those suggestions.