Using shift-return in a cell instead of Ctrl-return

Is there a way to change the behavior of Calc so Shift-Return adds a new line in a cell? I’m so used to this, now, that it’s a bit of a distraction in Calc. I’m on an old version (7.3.6.x) and using Windows 11.



No, there is not. Shift+Enter always closes the edit and moves the cell cursor in the opposite direction than Enter.

By the way, you should consider upgrading LO to a more recent version, at least 7.6.7 but better the still not EOL 24.2.5.

Thanks for the reply. As for moving to a more recent version, not yet. There is a severe degradation in performance on my PC after the 7.3.X series. I’m not sure which version has that problem, mbut it makes it unusable for me.


ref: tdf#162199 and Scrolling is slow on Win 11 Ryzen 7 Pro processor