Using userform in Libre calc

Hi, I’m new here, and I have no idea how to use LibreOffice Calc. I’m trying to adapt my .xlsm file to work on LibreOffice Calc. The thing is, I have a userform in my file, and I can’t find a way to make it work.

When I open the file for the first time, I can open/close my userform, and the codes work as they are supposed to. However, when I’m done working on my spreadsheet, I’m forced to choose between Excel 2007-365 (macro-enabled) or ODF formats when I try to save the file.

If I go with Excel, all my macros disappear (the file size goes from 45kb to 28kb), and if I choose ODF, I can’t use my userform (It shows an error).

Is there a way to fix this?"

For the error message part:

Basic runtime error.
Property or method not found: Show.

Thanks in advance.

002.ods (22.9 KB)

what if in Excel you save as ODF and reopen ? then go to LO …

Doing that I lose all my macros and my Userform. As far as I understand, the userform is the problem.

Option VBASupport 1
Sub ShowForm()


End Sub

I’m not sure, but it seems that you can’t use excel’s userform in Calc, you need to create everything using codes. Not sure tho, if anyone could confirm I would appreciate it.