This function, =(VLOOKUP(".";SJT_TFSA_TD.I4:I230;1)) works in openoffice but not in libreoffice. Here’s what happens.
A. I enter a change in the lookup data, I4 to I230 by adding a new data item to the bottom of the list while the file is open in libreoffice.
B. The function returns #N/A
C. I save and close the file
D. I open the file in Openoffice. The correct data is returned. I make an inconsequential change so that a save may be made. I save and close the file.
E. Here’s the conundrum. I then open the file in Libreoffice and voila, the function returns the correct data!
I should mention that my level of understanding of how this function works is near zero. I copied the code from a Openoffice forum, so please be patient.
All assistance will be appreciated.
[Edit - Opaque] Changed formatting for readability