What are the 5.x Graphics Import/Export Filters?

I have yet to see a question such as “Will LO import Macromedia Flash files?”. Import + export are done via Filters, and there are reported to be hundreds of them available. However, nowhere within the documentation has anybody thought to say what these filters are, nor which files they refer to, nor what programs they support. That makes life damn difficult for humble LO supporters trying to answer questions.

So, what filters are available for Graphics files?

5.x Calc filters

5.x Writer filters

5.x Math + Base filters

5.x Impress filters

5.x Draw filters

LO-6.x Graphics filters

Thank you for asking that question, Alex.

filters-graphics.odt (Writer version of filter.graphics)

filters-graphics.ods (Calc version of filter.graphics) (added 2015-11-18)

(filter.graphics is hand-extracted from graphicfilter.xcd)

:~$ /opt/libreoffice5.0/program/soffice.bin --version
LibreOffice 437e4abdf9e72fd0a6e6f8697a0e659bc77f9b10
:~$ cat filter.graphics | wc -l

Obtained from /opt/libreoffice5.0/share/registry/graphicfilter.xcd; Debian 6.0:

:~$ cat filter.graphics | sort
"BMP - Windows Bitmap" image/x-MS-bmp Extensions:bmp
"CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile" image/cgm Extensions:cgm
"DXF - AutoCAD Interchange Format" image/vnd.dxf Extensions:dxf
"EMF - Enhanced Metafile" image/x-emf Extensions:emf
"EPS - Encapsulated PostScript" image/x-eps Extensions:eps
"GIF - Graphics Interchange Format" image/gif Extensions:gif
"HTML Document (Draw)" text/html Extensions:html htm
"JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group" image/jpeg Extensions:jpg jpeg jfif jif jpe
"MET - OS/2 Metafile" image/x-met Extensions:met
"MOV - QuickTime File Format" application/movie Extensions:mov
"PBM - Portable Bitmap" image/x-portable-bitmap Extensions:pbm
"PCD - Kodak Photo CD (192x128)" image/x-photo-cd Extensions:
"PCD - Kodak Photo CD (384x256)" image/x-photo-cd Extensions:
"PCD - Kodak Photo CD (768x512)" image/x-photo-cd Extensions:pcd
"PCT - Mac Pict" image/x-pict Extensions:pct pict
"PCX - Zsoft Paintbrush" image/x-pcx Extensions:pcx
"PGM - Portable Graymap" image/x-portable-graymap Extensions:pgm
"PNG - Portable Network Graphic" image/png Extensions:png
"PPM - Portable Pixelmap" image/x-portable-pixmap Extensions:ppm
"PSD - Adobe Photoshop" image/vnd.adobe.photoshop Extensions:psd
"RAS - Sun Raster Image" image/x-cmu-raster Extensions:ras
"SGF - StarWriter Graphics Format" image/x-sgf Extensions:sgf
"SGV - StarDraw 2.0" Extensions:sgv
"SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics" image/svg+xml Extensions:svg svgz
"SVM - StarView Metafile" image/x-svm Extensions:svm
"SWF - Macromedia Flash" Extensions:swf
"TGA - Truevision Targa" image/x-targa Extensions:tga
"TIFF - Tagged Image File Format" image/tiff Extensions:tif tiff
"WMF - Windows Metafile" image/x-wmf Extensions:wmf
"XBM - X Bitmap" image/x-xbitmap Extensions:xbm
"XPM - X PixMap" image/x-xpixmap Extensions:xpm

If this helps then please show you like it with an uptick ()