What happened to Anchor to page

The anchor pull down under Format no longer has the option to anchor to page

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It was removed from menu in tdf#135836 (but is available in properties dialog). Are you sure you actually need that anchoring mode? See also FAQ.

Don’t use Anchor to Page unless you really know what you’re doing. What users in fact need is to position the frame in the page but the frame should be kept anchored to a paragraph so that it moves with the paragraph.

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Anchor to page is a crucial formatting tool for formats that require tables (in frames), graphs and frames to be either at the top or bottom of a page or column.
Otherwise Writer is constantly moving and reformating a document as tables and frames get moved by the insertion and removal of text. In long documentsj with many graphs, tables (in frames) and frames this causes significant problems and delays.
This is very important to people who write multiple pages.

Anchor to page is a DTP feature. Don’t confuse anchor and position.

Anchor tells to which “object” your frame is attached and will follow the object during text reflow. This will determine inside which page the object is positioned.

If you anchor To page, your object will be immutably attached to a specific page whatever edit you perform on your text. And this can lead to weird results if you delete text from your document. E.g. your frame remains at page 15 and you have indestructible pages between the end of your text at page 8 and your frame at page 15. So, once again, don’t use it if you don’t fully understand the implication.

In document processing, the only use I can see is to attach an illustration on the cover (page 1). And even this can be achieved by anchoring to the title.

Frames in any anchor mode (except As character of course) can be positioned anywhere in the page. The style dialog offers many reference points for your needs. The most obvious is paragraph because you usually want the frame to be near the anchor paragraph but you can also choose page text area or entire page (including margins).

I know mastering frame position is quite difficult because there are many “glitches” in Writer implementation. And you must absolutely experiment quite deep before you gain confidence.

One last point: don’t underestimate the usefulness of Allow overlap which should be disabled by default to avoid frame overlap and allow for automatic consistent redistribution of frames.

Once you understand all subtleties, you can design “generic” frame styles to be applied to your frames without the need to adjust position individually. This is probably the most tricky part in frame styles.