I previously saved the autocorrections for English US for Writer 7.3 in the file acor_en-US.dat and saving it into ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/autocorr/ so that I can export the same corrections to the different machines I am using. (old post)
However, I have now upgraded to Writer 7.5 and copied the version I saved of acor_en-US.dat with all the customized auto-correctins in the same folder after the upgrade, but none of the customization is present in Writer>tools>autocorrect opinions.
What is the location for the autocorrelation in Writer 7.5? why the customized corrections are not showing?
Thank you
Yes, and it does not work, hence the new post
On wich of your 2 OS, or both?
The post from @gabix had a link to the wiki, describing not only the profile content, but also where to find the profile. It contains this:
Note: This is for the LibreOffice packages distributed by The Document Foundation. Versions provided by your Linux distribution may use a slightly different path.
And you got a hint in your older post today:
Ubuntu uses Snap, Mint doesn’t. This may influence where config is stored.
So it is not a question about “Writer 7.5”, but about specifics of your chosen packager decision, where to store the profile; if you find that, you will find all the normal structure inside.
And surprisingly, the same wiki article contained this:
Expert information
Find the location of your user profile: Tools▸Options▸LibreOffice▸Paths.
Only in the one where I upgraded to 7.5; the other I still keep 7.3 because I did not run the upgrade.
The path for the autocrrection correct;y points to ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/autocorr/ even in 7.5 (as seen in tools>options>libreoffice. On snap, the folder for LibreOffice does not have a date file