Where are the autocorrect options saved in Writer?


I have different machines running Writer but I also have a huge list of autocorrect options that speeds up the writing, such as shortcuts for writing greeks letters etc.

Instead of re-setting each option in each version, is there a file I can copy a paste between machines in order to have the same option? I mean the file that contains the options for the autocorrect function.

Thank you

In Linux it’s ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/autocorr/acor_<LANG>.dat.

In Windows the autocorrect files are found in /Libreoffice/share/autocorr. Copy-Paste the relevant .dat file (that is for the specific language you want),

If copying the DAT file does not work here is a hack. Rename the DAT file to .zip and open the archive (as in many other LO files the .dat is a ZIP file). The replace list is in DocumentList.xml.

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Actually, copying acor_en-US.dat into ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/autocorr/ did the trick.

Hello. I have the same question, but I have less technical knowledge.
I have successfully copied the DAT file with my autocorrections in to my desktop. But I don’t know how to paste it into ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/autocorr/
Can someone give me step-by-step non-programmer instructions for how to do this?
Thank you!

I would do: (1) open terminal (2) type cp ~/Desktop/*.dat ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/autocorr/ or simply move the file with mv ~/Desktop/*.dat ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/autocorr/ (3) press ENTER (4) close terminal

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Thank you! I wasn’t sure what a terminal is, but there seem to be clear instructions via Google. So hopefully this will work.

I got this result:

C:\Users\Owner>cp ~/Desktop/*.dat ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/autocorr/
‘cp’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Users\Owner>mv ~/Desktop/*.dat ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/autocorr/
‘mv’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

I should say, I am using Windows 11.

Windows uses copy and move for cp and mv. The paths above are unix-like with / and ~ wich are not usable on Windows.
Use Windows explorer and write %APPDATA% in the place where the current path is shown. Then follow LibreOffice> 4 etc to your configuration.

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Sorry I assumed you were using Linux…

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OK. I tried a few variations, and this is what I am getting.

I think it would be easier to open one window with the Desktop, another with C:\Users\Owner%APPDATA%libreoffice etc and then drag the data file from one window to the other

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OK, I finally got it!
I just realised Wanderer suggested to use Windows Explorer, not Command Prompt (which is what I was using).

It’s now called File Explorer. So I opened File Explorer and typed %APPDATA% in the ‘path’ at the top (where it says Home).
This brought up a list of different folders, including Libre Office>4>User>Autocorr
I dragged and dropped my previous Autocorr dat file from my desktop, into this folder. When prompted, I selected to replace the existing autocorr file with the same name.

Voila, I now have access to my previous autocorrect shortcuts in Libre Office Writer.

Thank you for your patience with my learning.

They are in the user profile. There may be several files.


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Thank you, but even if I have some autocorrection options for english UK, there are no files in the autocorr folder… can I make one myself for this language and what is the format? (scv? tsv?)

In Linux Mint I have found a ~/.config/…/autocorr/acor_en-GB.dat file. Would this be the one? And why is not on Ubuntu?

Ubuntu uses Snap, Mint doesn’t. This may influence where config is stored.