Where do I find or change my database?

I had a working writer program to print envelopes from a database. I installed One Drive (thinking it was a good thing) and now I cannot find my database. The location that is shown for the registered database seems to have disappeared. I can see the file I am using for the database information and edit it just fine (This PC/Documents/Golf Envelopes/WeeklyWinners.ods). Could you tell me how to change wherever the program is looking for the database or do I need to register a new database? Any help would be appreciated.Envelope1.odt

I found the database file (a copy, link, not sure what the relationship is in C:\Users\linda\OneDrive\Documents\Golf Envelopes). Maybe, I need to change to this location? It looks like the updated file.


What is not mentioned in the question is the .odb file - the actual database.

When a database is created from data in a Calc file a xxx.odb file is generated and that is the registered file. So when writer needs data from the Calc file for envelopes it is accessing it through a Base file. So if the Base or Calc files get moved to different directories, the links are broken. Need to set files back or re-create links. Best to find files instead of creating new ones needlessly. Also adds to confusion of what is actually current.

The files apparently got moved to One Drive so the path is users/linda/oneDrive/Documents… instead of ThisPC/Documents… I found both .odb and .ods files that appear to contain the same data. When I try to print the envelopes, it cannot find the .odb file in the old ThisPC location and I don’t know how or where to change the location to OneDrive. I was going to try to restore my computer to an earlier time and get rid of OneDrive, but thought I should figure out where the file names are and where they need to be changed. I hope this helps. Thanks.


Database registration is manage from menu Tools->Options. Then under LibreOffice Base -> Databases you can add, change or delete registered databases. Should be able to modify the original.

Have not used OneDrive but have tested others. Have seen a number of issues with Base in these directories.

I was able to modify the original database and had to create a new name. I have forgotten how to associate the database field names with the envelope. I think I am going to have to start over and figure out how to do this. In the meantime, I will handprint the envelopes. This is quite frustrating for having had something that worked great. I appreciate your help and will press on when I have more time.


Just to let you know, I was able to recreate a new database and get my envelopes printed! Quite proud of myself for finally working through it. You got me started on the right path, thanks for your help.


Good to hear things worked out. :slight_smile: