In LO (version master document, I can add Text, Files and Indexes. In the navigator I can rearrange their position. This works fine.
When I add Indexes like TOC, Or alphabetic Index, the index is shown in the navigator, and I can rearrange the position.
And I use Endnotes, As other indexes, like TOC, or alphabetic index have are shown in the navigator.
Example, for just a .odt document:
- Create a new .odt document
- Add the words: “LibreOffice forum”
- Menu → Insert → Footnote and endnotes → EndNote
** The Endnotes are generated on a new page (with the pagestyle style Endnote) - Insert Hyperlink
Now the reader can find the location of LibreOffice Forum.
Example_endnotes.odt (15.8 KB)
I repeated the same but now with assigning my template
- I assigned my template: menu → File → Change current template (current document)
The results in a document with the Name Register :
Example_endnotes_named_as_register.odt (15.8 KB)
So the name “Register” seemed to be part of my template. But I have no idea where.
I do the same for the master document. There the Register is also automatic generated at the end of the master. But the register not visible in the navigator. I would prefer the Index as last part, after the Register. I am unable to do so, the register always stays the last paragraph.
I have read Can't insert section after endnotes - #6 by ajlittoz And Downloaded the AskLOSectionEndNoter.odt I can see it is possible. I followed the instructions in the .odm file as well in a .odt file. But I can not achieve the same results. When, inside the section, I selected “Collect at end of section” in Endnotes and click the Insert button (The Ok button is not available in my version), nothing happens.
Optionally adjust other parameters and OK
How can I move the register before the Index (or, which is the same, move the index after the register)?