Why do writer documents open differently on different OS's?

I’ve had this problem for as long as I can remember (including Open office days) but I can’t be the only one surely? I create a document in Windows, everything is fine and I save it. I come to open it in Ubuntu (or Mac) and the pages almost seem a different size as the content in places is shifted about like it doesn’t fit, or the opposite and it leaves a bigger gap creating problems too. I always use the latest LibreOffice available on all platforms, I use the native file formats but I’ve always had this cross platform problem which makes things very difficult for me as I need to use more than one. Is there a way around this?

Hard to say without the particular files, but could it be a differing font problem? i.e. are you using fonts in Windows that you also have in Linux/OSX?

That’s a good point, I will check this out because it would make perfect sense. I try to use the web friendly fonts which are not generally associated with a specific platform but It might still be the problem.


One thing worth trying is to install Wine in Ubuntu. A side effect of this is that you will get Windows fonts (like Times New Roman) installed on your Ubuntu machine.

You can get these fonts more easily by installing the package ttf-mscorefonts-installer