Windows 10 and Java problem

I’m running Windows 10 on a 6-month old HP Envy laptop. I have the current version of LibreOffice.

I want to create a database but I receive a message that a Java Runtime Environment cannot be found. I have downloaded the latest JRE. Why can’t Base find the JRE? Do I have to manually tell LibreOffice/Base where the JRE is located?

I have two drives in the laptop. The C: drive is a 500GB SSD where I install programs. The E: drive is where I store data. Is this part of the problem?

What is the filename of the JRE? I can search for it if I know the filename.

If you need more information please let me know.

Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your time and efforts!



Please see answer in this post → on firefox and have loaded java 32.

Hi @Ratslinger! I’ve just started this new FAQ. Since I don’t have macOS at hand, I only created a stub there, and would be grateful if you helped to make it useful. Thanks!

@mikekaganski, Sorry but Mac is not in my background. Haven’t even touched an Apple computer in probably 40 years or held an i-phone in over 5. Most of my Java answers originated from posts originally by @oweng, @mariosv, and @Regina with some Mac info (if correctly remembered) from

Probably the post I find most relevant to Mac and its’ peculiar situation is:

Still can’t find Java installation

and what may be of some help, an answer by @AndrewNZ:

Mac Java problem when creating a database

Other than the above, not certain where I can be of any help regarding Mac OS.

I don’t see anything that says which download of Java is 32-bit and which is 64-bit. Am I missing something?

See this new FAQ.

Hi Mike!

Thank you very much for the links! It looks to be working now. I had the 32-bit version of Java but needed the 64-bit version. What a concept, huh?

Have you defined JAVA_HOME environment variable and added java bin folder in path environment variable? looks like system can’t load JRE components.

The user problem here is not with environment variables. Windows installations don’t depend on those (unless some special configurations are used, which is not the case here); it’s a usual problem where user installs 64-bit LibreOffice (rightfully offered by default on our site), and 32-bit Java (which is offered by default on site, without a prominent advertising that its architecture is 32-bit, or how to download a different architecture); and then not paying close attention to the error messages issued by LibreOffice (which in recent versions explicitly mentions that it needs 64-bit JRE).