Wrap options are greyed out

I’m new to libre office. I’m writing a book with many images (musical examples copied fro SIBELIUS music writing software.

I need to be able to type in front of them. So, I think i ned to change the wrap options (or perhaps anchoring, or, i don’t know what)
When I go to format>wrap, all options are greyed out, i cannot change it.

@ajlittoz , I have deleted the duplicate. Thanks.

First you need to change the Anchor from As Character to another value, maybe To Character.

See LibreOffice Help on Anchor.

EDIT: You could assign a shortcut key to Anchor to Character. This will ease the work. Following my example, you could click an image and press F4, click next image, F4… To assign a shortcut key choose Tools - Customize - Keyboard tab.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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Yes, I found that solution, But, with already over a hundred images in this book, to select each one, go to format, go down and change “as character” to “to character” and then go back, move it, move the typing, etc, and then, have to do it for every image…it will take forever. I tried selecting more than one image, but then the anchor option is greyed out. I also tried to find how to change this in “preferences” but could not find it…
thank you

The anchor is a unique attribute of each frame/image. It can’t be globally defined (not even in a frame style).

Contrary to anchor, wrap mode is a generic attribute. To facilitate your formatting review, you should define a frame style or customise the used built-in. Then all your images/frames will receive the same formatting and this formatting can afterwards be changed from a single location.

I searched for “frame style” and could not find it. If/once I do, what is the frame style I should use so that I can move images around freely?
thank you

Press F11 (or choose menu Styles - Manage Styles), this open the Styles (Sidebar).


they are greyed out, since you probably don’t have the image selected:

image description

I’m pretty certain I have them selected, they have the green dots around them and, move when I drag them (just not in a “wrapped” manner, inflexibly)

Maybe this can help you:

Insert and edit images in Writer Part 1

Insert and edit images in Writer Part 2

If you want to insert text directly onto the image, I recommend using a frame; Insert>Frame:

Sample file

Example file with many images, which are surrounded by text.