WRITER: display single page

I’ve tried searching this site, but I’m not able to find helpful info. And I feel like I’m missing something very basic. I’m using LibreOffice version

In Writer, how do I advance from page 1 to page 2 and see nothing but page 2? It’s maddening.

I have selected View > Normal and View > Whitespace and View> Zoom> Entire Page. On the bottom right, I’ve chosen the single page icon. The moment I use the Page Up/Down keys on the keyboard, I’m looking at more than one page. The page number display on the lower left clearly says I’m on Pages 1 & 2 of the total. Is there another way to navigate through the pages?

If I click that page number display on the lower left, and GO TO page 5, I really see very little of Page 5. Most of the screen is Page 4.

I’ve tried playing with the percent zoom, but that seems to be set by the zoom setting on the View menu.

(A nice to have, but not nearly as troubling: I’d love to see the edges of the page. I think in an earlier version I did. Is there some preference I haven’t set right?)

Thanks for any guidance.

See if changing the setting of View | Text Boundaries and/or View | White Space helps.

Thanks, @robleyd, text boundaries require whitespace, and I had both active. The combo results in very faint marks that look like crop marks in the corners. This is certainly better than nothing. But you got me experimenting…

View > Formatting Marks also adds a solid boundary around all the text in the body of the page (omitting headers and footers) and that makes a HUGE difference. Maybe this is what I saw before I last updated the software and that setting got changed. (Just a guess.)

It would be nice to see this functionality available separate from other formatting marks (e.g., paragraph marks). But I’m not one of those people who has any problem with all of those “hidden” characters–plus toggling this on and off is easy enough–so I’m definitely a happy camper.

Again, thanks.

There never was a “just one page and no other pages” view mode in Writer. You might confuse that with e.g. Draw (which only shown a single page, and you explicitly need to go to another one), or some other application.

Thanks, @mikekaganski. I wish I’d asked sooner and saved a lot of time. But at least you’ll save me from wasting yet more time.

FYI, in addition to applications of other kinds, among word processors, Microsoft Word displays an entire page on its own and the functionality is controlled with the same kind of icon. So that may explain at least some inquiries of this nature. (I had seen some before I posted, but they were so old that I thought this was worth a shot.)

Again thanks.

Maybe something changed lately, but up to and including Word 2016, there was no “only one page on screen” mode there, too.

@mikekaganski, alas, I no longer have access to MS Word here, so I cannot speak with authority. There was a setting like View> Normal and View> Web, where Word also included something like View > Print Layout (or based on your image, perhaps Layout > Print Layout). [EDIT: This is distinct from Print Preview mode.] So perhaps that is influencing/controlling (?). I checked office.com, but they’ve transferred their whole print process to creating PDFs, so that’s not relevant.

Also, last night in LibreOffice, I completely missed the fact that there is a different set of page display icons, along with navigation icons, in Print Preview mode. This is in a different toolbar (the main toolbar at the top of the window, while the icons in the lower right corner of the window disappear and no longer control). Needing to switch to Print Preview, where I cannot edit, is slightly sub-optimal. Still, I wasn’t getting the help out of Print Preview that makes a big difference. I don’t need to have a full page view at all times–not in the least.

So again, thanks to you and @robleyd. I didn’t find precisely what I was looking for, but I was burdened by preconceptions. (And so many moving parts!) At the end of the day, I got a heap o’ help here.

Have a look at this answer, Shortcut navigate to the next page or previous page in LO Writer - #5 by ROSt53

Thanks EarnestAI. I had not explored that Customize dialog and I’ve already used it to modify my interface quite a bit. Oh, that feels much better.

However, as far as I can tell, no choice there changes the display of an entire page; they involve moving the cursor only or selecting text while moving the cursor.

But still, my thanks are sincere.

If you have done View> Zoom> Entire Page, then you can

  • In Navigator click the up arrow for page number. This will take you to the top of the next page so it will always show just the one page and won’t drift down like PgDn does. Or
  • Press Ctrl+G and enter a page number. This will take you to the top of the relevant page as above. Or
  • Create a keyboard shortcut to use the Next page as linked before

@EarnestAI, a million thanks for Navigator. I’d rather use the keyboard as much as possible, but this will be a very welcome additional tool. (It is odd that the page number displayed as you click the up and down arrows does not change, but I guess I can live with that.)

Using Control+G to GOTO a page number is unpredictable. Most of the time (by far), it leaves me looking at the bottom part of the previous page and the top of the target page. Sometimes however, after a very noticeable lag, the display jumps and redraws the entire page requested.

Using Control+Shift+F5 to get to what seems to be the same dialog box seems to lead to the latter behavior (scroll-then-jump-and-redraw) more often, but not quite all the time. This is so inconsistent that I just can’t put any more time into testing it.

The CUSTOMIZE dialog has a “jump to specific page” under NAVIGATE, but the ASSIGN button is greyed out, so I’m not sure what to make of that. [EDIT: I figured this out. Read the Help page more carefully.]

In the CUSTOMIZE dialog, the PAGE DOWN key is already mapped to going to the next page. And that key, also, does not display a single entire page and nothing but. It just moves the cursor and shows me parts of two pages. The CUSTOMIZE dialog also has “To Begin of Next Page” (ALT+Page Down) but the behavior is the same.

I’m on a Windows machine with a 24" monitor. Maybe these maneuvers work in some other configuration(s)? Just a guess.

But again, thanks! Really, I’ve gotten a lot from this thread and the Navigator is part of that.

Then click Tools > Customise > Keyboard and assign Next Element to Ctrl+N or similar and Previous Element to Ctrl+P or similar. Next Element and Previous Element will take to you the top of the relevant page so if you have Zoom set to Entire page then each press will show just that page.

Omigosh! I’m just completely unfamiliar with the word “element” as used here. I notice that this process depends on what kind of element is selected in the Navigator. If “Heading” is selected, then my key combo will jump from one Heading to the next. Only if “Page” is selected there does my key combo do what you describe. I can definitely live with that.

It is also true that zoom must be set to Entire Page, of course. If it is set to any other zoom, and “Page” is selected in Navigator, then it will proceed from page to page at that zoom.

@EarnestAI, you get first prize. Many many thanks.