Writer: How can I only number right-hand side pages?

I print documents on both sides of the paper sheet. Nevertheless, I want only count and number the front page. That’s to say I am counting and numbering paper sheets, not pages. Think of “sheet 1”, “sheet 2” … “sheet n” instead of “Page 1”, “Page 2”… “Page n”.

I’ve tried using fields and formulae, but it does no seem they are updated after each page break.

Any practical way to do what I need?

Numbering only right-hand side pages is easy: define one page style for right-hand pages and another one for left-hand pages. In the Organizer tab, link them. They will be activated alternatively when text overflows page space.

Enable header or footer in the right-hand page style. In the header or footer of a right-hand page, Insert>Field>Page Number and the page number is automatically displayed in all right-hand pages. Do nothing in the left-hand page and style.

Unfortunately, there is no way to manipulate the internal page number variable in a formula (e.g. to halve it). Consequently, you can’t get the sheet number.

As an alternative, I tried to define a number range variable (the kind of which is used to number illustrations) and insert it into the odd page header. Unfortunately again, it looks like Writer computes header contents only when it is created and does not update fields (with the exception of the page number variable) and I ended up with the same number on all pages.

Bottom note: don’t post as wiki, it helps no one and prevents you from being awarded karma points, barring you from privileges on this site.

Hi @ajlittoz

The usual workaround used is to anchor a frame containing the sequence field to the page, not to the footer (or header). From then on it is enough to copy then to paste the frame on all the pages, which is done quite quickly, even on a large number of pages.

However, there remains the major disadvantage: the impossibility of passing on this numbering in the indexes.


However, there remains the major disadvantage: the impossibility of passing on this numbering in the indexes.

You could write your text in 2 columns, say A3 landscape, which means 2 pages of A4 in portrait. Later on export into PDF format, then edit on draw, copy/paste the single pages, erase left or right part, deminish A3 (landscape) into A4 (portrait), group extra text and set align as left. Then export anew as PDF file.

If this is a “practical way to do what I need?”???

Ajlittoz, I am sore about the wiki issue. I was not aware of it and I do not know what I did to make it a wiki. Nevertheless, I will pay attention and make it right next time. Thank you for alerting me about this.

As to your proposoals, they are not what I need. The first one - that is, using left and right side style - is something I already use for other reasons. But it does not allow me to skip numbering a page; it only allows me to skip printing its number.

As to the one using field and formulae, you have come to the same conclusion I had: they are not updated after each page break. So, they do not work.

Your third alternative is unfeaseable. Copying frames page by page is not only an error prone, labour intensive task, but also quite confusing when you have tens of people applying the idea to hundreds of different documents every day. Artesanal work like this would work for once-in-a-blue-moon job, but not for regular production.

For the same reasons I can not take advantage of your last suggestions (the one using PDF). It is still more lavour intensive and much more complex.

Do you have any experience with basic macros? Perhaps I could use a macro that is called every time there is a new page break. The macro would test if it a new sheet (even or odd page number) increment an internal counter and return the result to be paste onto the header just before it is printed.

For the time being, I don’t know how to do this, but is might work.

Thank you for your help.

I have absolutely no experience with macros. I personally consider it is a betrayal of “philosophy” about document processor and I avoid it. Either the primitives allow me to layout my text as I expect, or my design is faulty. In rare cases, something is missing. Here, clearly, internal counters have no associated variable name. Then they can’t be used in a formula which would solve the problem.

Yes, it should be done automatically without manual (error-prone) processing.