Writer: how can I synchronize scroll between 2 document windows?

I frequently have to translate documents from one language to another. A convenient way to do this is to display the original and translated documents parallel on screen (even if the translated document is initially a copy of the original document).

It would be very nice and comfortable if both windows could scroll (at least vertically only) simultaneously when one of the (vertical) scroll bars is activated. This would avoid extra manual manipulations (going to the other window, scrolling, going back to the first window, clicking to restore focus).

Of course, you sometimes need to scroll a window on its own because language expansion ratios are not the same.

Is there a simple way to force scrolling from a “master” window to a “slave” window?

Maybe this extension can help:


@mariosv: gracias por la información

The suggested extension answers exactly my question: parallel presentation of both versions/ However, after having read the description, I am a bit afraid of the associated procedure. In particurly, I fear to lose formatting and highlighting (happily, everything is done through styling, no manual change!). I’ll experiment.

The description also contains pointers to Anaphraseus and OmegaT, which do not answer my question about parallel scrolling but are closer to my ultimate translation goal. Again, I’ll experiment.

Had a first try with Translation Table. Installed in in LO and opened a 20-page document.

It made LO crash during “Create Translation Table”. I thought it was caused by the change in Graphics anchor; I then clicked no on second trial, but same crash. The recovered document shows no difference compared to original.

Anapraseus could not be installed. I’ll try it on another machine with LO 4.1.

Translation Table: it looks like you must proceed small chunk after small chunk. However, requires a lot of work since the paragraph structure is lost when “Finish” is clicked to eliminate the 2-column format. You must then re-style everything.

As a consequence, I don’t recommend this extension as a solution to my problem. This is why I downgrade the answer (it is a personal ranking of the extension, not of the answer provider).

I continue experimenting with the other CAT (computer-aided translation tools).

Sorry ajlittoz, if the extension does not help. Maybe using a table with two columns.

@mariosv: do not feel sorry. I the problem was easy, the solution would have been found a long time ago.

The problem has 2 aspects:

  1. translate the text itself
  2. keep the lay-out and decoration (and eventually make minor adjustments for the target language idiosyncracies)

This is why I prefer the 2-windows method: I have the text and its layout. Translation Table and Anaphraseus which both use a table artifact destroy part of the information present in the original document. Lay-out is impacted essentially and must be regenerated.

I also discovered another inconvenient: my documents are template-based (one per target language; at least, style Default is set to the target language but other styles may need adaptation). Because of that, the preparation phase is the same with the extensions: first switch to another template since the extensions cannot do it.

I continue to experiment.