.xlsx format: Value highlighting always enabled

Hours-Testproject_02.6.xlsx (71.5 KB)

Columns Duration, Residue and Balance are always blue and green. I learned I need to disable “Value Highlighting” (CTRL+F8). But after saving and re-opening the Value Highlighting is always re-enabled.
In Excel, the formatting is as expected in black and grey.

Can’t you work in ods format and only when you need to share the document, save a copy in .xlsx format?

The bug does not exist in the .ods format, it exists in the .xlsx format. I don’t understand the question about if and why…

did you try in a safe mode? because the file opens fine, without the value highlighting.

I open the file, value hightlighting is enabled and fonts are green/blue. I disable the value highlighting, fonts are not black/grey as expected. I save the file, I open the file again, the value highlighting is enabled again and fonts are green/blue.
What do you mean with safe mode? Do I need to enable safe mode for disabling value highlighting?


Restarted the same file in Safe Mode, now Value Highlighting is disabled as expected.
What does that mean? Is there any user configuration to automatically enable Value Highlighting?

Rather, this indicates that something in your profile is “corrupt”. Usual advise is to reset the user profile (which is rather destructive: your customizations, like keyboard shortcuts, macros, etc. are lost - so you likely would like to backup the profile before resetting; and you likely would like to learn the profile content).

If you feel like finding out the reason, you may try cleaning registrymodifications.xcu file partially, until you (hopefully) find a single line that causes the problem. Then it could be decided if that’s something that you could file as a bug report.

Try Menu / Tools / Options / LibreOffice Calc / View. Check / Uncheck Display / Value highlighting.


Now the issue is there again, even with a completely resetted configuration.

Ok. Curiously this option was enabled, I disabled now. It’s working without Value Highlighting when restarting. Let’s see how long it works.

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