Libre Office, Zotero 7.0.13, Windows 10 64 bit.
Is there a way I can diagnose why the italics in Zotero citations dropped into Libre Writer via the Zotero plugin sometimes work, and not at other times?
I am reasonably certain it has something to do with template styles. A longer document (150 pages) I use with many more styles than normal fails to import italics correctly, even though I can see the the italics during the import process (several steps are visible) before they are removed. Using the Zotero plugin refresh button has no effect.
If I copy-paste from that document to a new one (so far they have all been shorter documents of fewer than 50 pages) with another template, and then use the Zotero plugin refresh button, the italics come back.
I can see nothing obvious about my footnote style that should override italic formatting, so I assume it is some other style, or the document length itself, that cause the problem. Assuming document length is a wild goose chase, that leaves me with page and paragraph styles. I have checked these and cannot see any obvious reason for overriding italics (which doesn’t happen when I do a normal copy paste of text into the body of a page, unless I specify unformatted text paste).
So, is there a way I can log Libre Writer to trap what occurs at Zotero reference import? I’ve had a quick look in the Windows user directory, and the Libre Writer config options, but I haven’t found an obvious way to turn on a verbose logging function.
All suggestions welcome.