GOAL: Position a manuscript’s endnotes or footnotes:
- at the of the document
- with the numbering sequence restarted for each chapter, AND
- with each group of notes sub-headed with the name of the chapter with which they are associated.
I’m working on a manuscript in LO Writer and I hope to print a sort of “galley proof” shortly (assuming we ever solve the problem presented in link:[Print-Time Page Override](Print-time page override"Print-Time Page Override, elsewhere in the forum")).
The manuscript has exactly 600 notes (or in the neighborhood of 40 6"x9" pages worth of material). Since these are my annotations to the original author’s work, and having a desire not to distract the casual reader from the original author’s flow, I am opting to place these notes at the very end of the book.
ENDNOTES seem to provide no option for restarting the numbering with each chapter. (I’m sure the average reader’s eyes will cross upon encountering a high-double-digit endnote number, to say nothing of a triple-digit endnote call.) Restarting of the numbering sequence seems beyond the feature-set of Writer’s endnotes.
FOOTNOTES have both the option to congregate at the end of a document AND to re-start numbering with each chapter. So far, so good. (I don’t care if Writer calls them “endnotes” or “footnotes,” just as long as they appear at the end!)
CHALLENGE: I can’t see a way to automatically create chapter-name subheadings in the footnote properties, not even in conjunction with cross-references. Does anyone have any ideas about how this can be accomplished? Thanks in advance!